- Trump nega que banirá aborto nos EUA caso eleito
- Lula critica Bolsonaro por falta de oxigênio em Manaus durante pandemia
- Tabata diz que não aceitaria cargo em eventual governo Boulos
- McDonald’s é o fast-food mais consumido fora de casa no Brasil
- Secretário reconhece incapacidade do governo em conter incêndios
- Governo diz ao STF que vai liberar R$ 500 mi para combate a incêndios
- Lula anuncia criação de Autoridade Climática em visita ao Amazonas
- Pedido de impeachment de Moraes é cadastrado no sistema do Senado
- Oposição divulga vídeo assinando pedido de impeachment de Moraes
- MPF pede condenação de 37 ex-agentes da ditadura por morte de Marighella
- Governo ajusta traçado da Ferrogrão para driblar ação no STF
- Moraes notifica Pacheco sobre decisão que tornou Moro réu no STF
- Acordo de Mariana deve chegar a R$ 167 bilhões, diz Silveira
- Ramagem publica foto de buraco de rua no Pará para criticar Paes
- Rio de Janeiro registra o maior número de queimadas desde 2017
- Jorge Seif tenta emplacar seu filho como vereador
- FAB intercepta helicóptero com 240 kg de droga em ação com a PF
- Marçal me elogia e me ataca ao mesmo tempo, diz Malafaia
- Ministro de Israel fala em trégua de 6 semanas com Hamas
- CGU pediu à PF número de celular de Bolsonaro para intimá-lo
- CGU pediu à PF número de celular de Bolsonaro para intimá-lo
- MP do Trabalho vai investigar Silvio Almeida por suposto assédio
- Cenipa vai ouvir funcionários e ex-funcionários da Voepass
- Dólar dispara e fecha a R$ 5,66 após queda no preço do petróleo
- Petrobras tem recorde no processamento de petróleo do pré-sal
- Governo consegue adiar anistia a presos do 8 de Janeiro na CCJ
- Bloqueio do X tem baixo impacto no engajamento de clubes, diz pesquisa
- Lula cobra visitas de ministros ao Amazonas: “Gostam muito de SP”
- Há mais a ser descoberto em ataque contra Trump, diz Melania
- Governo quer barrar anistia a acusados do 8 de Janeiro ainda na CCJ
- Líder do PL diz que “esqueceu” de assinar impeachment de Moraes
- STF tem maioria para definir regras de acesso a remédios fora do SUS
- Clima é o maior ativo agrícola, diz ministro da Agricultura
- Aviões da Delta se chocam em solo no aeroporto de Atlanta
- Marçal pede perdão a Malafaia e diz ter respeito pelo pastor
- Agenda de Lula está aberta para receber Elmar, diz Padilha
- Petróleo despenca após Opep reduzir projeção de aumento da demanda
- Kamala e Trump fazem 1º debate nesta 3ª; leia as regras
- SpaceX lança missão que fará 1ª caminhada espacial privada
- PF ouvirá mulher que diz ter sido assediada por Silvio Almeida
- Elmar conversará com Lula na 4ª feira sobre sucessão na Câmara
- Zanin será o próximo presidente da 1ª Turma do STF
- Elmar se reúne com Padilha para tentar conter apoio do governo a Motta
- Projetos de lei querem limitar ou proibir exportação de bois vivos
- Deolane volta para presídio após descumprir medidas restritivas
- ONU deve votar resolução pedindo retirada de Israel da Palestina
- Dino manda União convocar mais bombeiros para combater fogo
- PMS que abordaram filhos de diplomatas no Rio são denunciados
- Valor de mercado da Aston Martin deve subir após aquisição
- Coreia do Norte planeja expansão nuclear contra “forças hostis”
- Energia elétrica foi o que mais contribuiu para a deflação, diz IBGE
- Candidatos podem acessar cartão de respostas do CNU a partir desta 3ª
- TSE lacra programas das urnas que serão usadas nas eleições
- Indenização a Bolsonaro desmascara mentira da esquerda, diz Damares
- Orlando Magic se torna parceiro de investimento do fundo Lead One
- Impacto de suspensão do X é de R$ 18 bi em 5 anos, diz economista
- Visita ao Poder360: Rodolfo Zanchin e Ana Paula Serpa
- Ambientalistas travam o desenvolvimento hidroviário, diz secretário
- New York City FC apresenta novo escudo
- Secretaria para RS perde status de ministério e Pimenta volta à Secom
- Brasil concentra 76% dos incêndios na América do Sul
- Rússia recebeu mísseis balísticos do Irã, diz Antony Blinken
- Não podemos normalizar o absurdo, diz Dino sobre queimadas
- Falta de chuvas e tempo seco deixam rio Pinheiros verde em SP
- Brasil tem escolaridade obrigatória maior que a média da OCDE
- Investimento em educação no Brasil caiu de 2015 a 2021
- Tarifa de concessão do rio Madeira será de R$ 0,80 por tonelada
- Em visita ao Amazonas, Lula diz que retomará obras da BR-319
- Governo de Brasília adota definição internacional de antissemitismo
- Passageira de voo registra nuvem de fumaça sobre São Paulo
- Ataque israelense em Gaza deixa 19 mortos em abrigo de palestinos
- SP tem 76 mortes por síndrome respiratória após aumento de queimadas
- Manchester United e DHL renovam parceria até 2027
- SP é a metrópole com a pior qualidade de ar no mundo pelo 2º dia
- Custo real de carro elétrico é quase o dobro do preço inicial
- Leia as 5 principais notícias do mercado desta 3ª feira
- Seca e queimadas no campo aumentarão preços de alimentos
- Engajamento de Marçal é 8 vezes a soma de adversários, diz Datafolha
- Chelsea anuncia parceria com fabricante de pneus chinesa
- Governo é condenado a pagar R$ 15.000 a Bolsonaro e Michelle
- Brasil registra deflação de 0,02% em agosto
- Mulher morre em Moscou após ataque de drones ucranianos
- Huawei lança novo smartphone dobrável em 3 por R$ 15.600
- Apple perde batalha judicial na UE e terá de pagar 13 bi de euros
- Reconstrução pelos direitos humanos, diz Janja sobre nova ministra
- Pós-7 de Setembro no Insta: Marçal ganha seguidores e Nunes perde
- Saiba quais são os deputados que assinaram o impeachment de Moraes
- Do Val diz dormir no Senado porque teme ser morto
- PCO critica Felipe Neto por dizer que Machado de Assis não é para crianças
- Brasil registra 5.132 focos de incêndio
- O apoio do presidente Bolsonaro é super importante, diz Nunes
- Elmar e Brito se reúnem e sinalizam aliança contra Hugo Motta
- Saiba como fica Esplanada de Lula após anúncio de Macaé Evaristo
- Tabata compara promessas de Marçal ao “jogo do tigrinho”
- Todo o meu respeito pela decisão, diz Maduro sobre exílio de González
- Marçal não respeitou “liderança” de Bolsonaro na Paulista, diz Nunes
- Trump é criticado por ameaçar prender quem “trapacear” em eleição
- Ministério dos Direitos Humanos apaga notas em defesa de Almeida
- Ataques aéreos de Israel na Síria matam 16 pessoas
- Big techs fazem mais doações a Kamala Harris
Sputnik News
- Debate Poses Challenge for Harris Amid Rising Voter Frustration
- Typhon Missile Deployment is Part of US Plans to Maintain 'Primacy Over the Planet'
- How the Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine Since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014
- Holding a Gun to Armenia's Head: EU's Visa-Free Regime is Nothing But Tool of Manipulation - Expert
- China's Tianwen-3 Mission to Bring Mars Samples to Earth by Around 2028
- Russia's and Iraq's Mutual History of Partnership
- NATO Kick-Starts Barrage of Drills Near Russia’s Borders
- Hyping Up the ‘China Threat,’ They May Really Be Running Out of Material: Global Times Editorial
- Elements to Control Terahertz Laser Radiation Created in Russia
- US Seek Sound Military Edge, Spur Arms Race – Putin
- Putin Takes Part in Ocean-2024 Naval Drills
- Ukraine Loses Over 11,800 Soldiers During Operation in Kursk Region
- WorldFood Istanbul: Export Potential of Russian Producers Hits Whopping $30 Million
- Watch Russia’s Uragan MLRS Incinerate Ukrainian Positions
- Israel Wants US Congress ‘to Put Pressure’ on South Africa to Scrap ICJ Genocide Case – Report
- Russian Naval Forces Launch Ocean-2024 Strategic Drills
- Trump, Harris Will Hold First 2024 US Presidential Debate Since Biden Dropped Out
- Biden Extends Executive Order on Sanctions for Meddling in US Elections for Another Year
- Nine-Year-Old Child Killed in Nighttime Drone Attack in Moscow Region - Governor
- US House Rules Committee Advances Temporary Government Funding Bill
- Russia Requests UNSC Meeting for Friday on Deliveries of Western Weapons to Kiev - Mission
- Russian Air Defense Destroys 59 Fixed-Wing Drones Over Bryansk Region - Governor
- Harris, Trump Need to Overcome Old Weaknesses to Win Debate - Experts
- Russia's Lavrov, OIC Secretary General Discuss Palestinian Issue - Organization
- US House Passes Three Bills Targeting China
- Kiev Uses Israeli, Turkish Cluster Munitions Against Russia – Cluster Munition Coalition
- Kremlin Explains Why Putin Will Not Attend UN General Assembly in New York
- At Least 40 Killed, 60 Injured in Israeli Air Strike on Al Mawasi in Gaza Strip - Reports
- Kennedy Says US Doing Everything Possible to Draw Russia, China Into ‘Hot War’
- Former US Ambassador to USSR Says ‘Dangerous’ for US to Attempt Undeclared War With Russia
- Elon Musk May Be Summoned to UK Parliament for Questioning on X Activities - Reports
- Who Is To Blame for the US Afghanistan Withdrawal Failure?
- Taliban’s Policy Toward Women in Afghanistan Unprecedented - UN Human Rights Chief
- New York Police Commissioner Expected to Resign Amid Corruption Probe - Report
- Renewed Israeli Threats Against Lebanon Meant to Shore Up Military Aid From Allies
- African Union Wins Leo Tolstoy International Peace Prize
- Ukraine Adopts Vietnam War-Era US Methods of Using Incendiary Weapons
- Watch Russia's Military Totally Decimate Major Ukrainian Command Post
- West Does Not Want to Make Fair Agreements on Ukrainian Conflict With Russia - Lavrov
- EU Loses Economic Advantages Due to Rejection of Russian Fuel - Research
- Lavrov Holds Presser on Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council Gathering
- Ukraine Loses Over 11,400 Troops During Operation in Kursk Direction
- Pepe Escobar: Russia, China, ASEAN Weave Their Eastern Magic
- Israel's Strikes on Syria: Here’s the Latest
- Kremlin on Reports of Iran Allegedly Supplying Missiles: Such Information Not Always True
- US’ Botched Afghan Exit Exposes Biden's ‘Callous Foreign Policy’, GOP Report Reveals
- Russia Remains Hackers' Top Target for Past 2.5 Years - Kaspersky Lab
- US Increased Pressure on Turkiye Over Banking Operations With Russia - Source
- Fake Hamas Leader Documents Leaked to Foreign Media To Influence Ceasefire Narrative - Report
- China Ready to Strengthen Coordination, Cooperation With North Korea - Xi Jinping
- UAE Vaccinated 460,000 Children in Gaza Against Polio - Reports
- Israel Attacks Central Syria, Killing at Least 3 - Syrian Defense Ministry
- Some 400 Parishioners of Russian Church in Washington Celebrate Its 75th Anniversary
- Putin Sends Kim Jong Un Congratulations on DPRK Foundation Day - KCNA
- RT Editor-in-Chief Cites Broadcaster's Success as One of Reasons for US Sanctions
- Lavrov to Hold Talks With Gulf Foreign Ministers in Riyadh
- Local Election in Russia's Kursk Region Held Without Incident – Acting Governor
- Power to the People! Explore New Nuclear Plants Russia is Going to Build in Its Far East
- Russian Sсhools Teach About Family Values While Western Install Drag Show
- Local Elections in Russia Held in Line With Law Despite Western Provocations - Parl't
- Lavrov Arrives in Saudi Capital to Take Part in Ministerial Meeting of Russia-GCC Dialogue
- Why Central Asia Stops Treating Taliban as Terrorists and Seeks Closer Ties With Afghanistan
- Media Paranoia Over Purported Russian Meddling in US Election Draws Out
- Ukrainian Armed Forces Suffer From Desertion, Especially Among New Recruits - Reports
- Homeland Defense and Family Values: What’s New in Russian Schools?
- China to Lift All Restrictions on Foreign Investment in Production - Document
- Ukraine Loses Over 11,220 Soldiers, 87 Tanks in Russia’s Kursk Region - Defense Ministry
- What Advanced and Deadly Tanks Does Russia Field?
- Russian Missile Strike Eliminates Up to 30 Foreign Mercs Near Sumy - Defense Ministry
- What is Known About the Leo Tolstoy International Peace Prize Medal?
- Leo Tolstoy Prize to Become Global Event in Peacekeeping – Russian MP
- Russian Forces Destroy 3 Drones Over Belgorod, Kursk Regions Overnight - Defense Ministry
- France Should Seek BRICS Membership to Return to Multipolar Policy - Ex-EU MP
- Rocket With Soyuz MS-26 Spacecraft Installed on Baikonur Launch Pad Ahead of ISS Mission
- Russian Forces Liberate Novogrodovka City in Donetsk - Defense Ministry
- Yemeni Foreign Minister Reaffirms Support for Palestinians in Talks With Iran
- Houthis Shot Down Eighth US Drone MQ-9 Reaper
- Israeli Army Detects About 50 Shell Launches From Lebanon
- Former Venezuelan Presidential Candidate Gonzalez Granted Asylum in Spain - Vice President
- Thousands of Brazilians Rally to Protest Against Blocking X
- Trump 'Very Offended' by Putin's Endorsement of Harris
- Unmanned Flights to Mars Planned in 2 Years, Manned in 4 Years - Musk
- Turkiye's Ruling Party Points to EU's Double Standards in Fighting Russian Media
- Corporate Complicity in Censorship Destroys Due Process
- Scholz Expresses Confidence in His Re-Election in 2025 Despite Abysmal Polls
- Half Million People Gather in Tel Aviv for Rally in Support of Gaza Hostages - Organizers
- Russia to Establish Embassy in Dominican Republic – Gov't Decree
- Iranian President Calls to Move Capital to Persian Gulf Coast Closer to Major Trade Routes
- The US Needs Universal High Income
- US Frightened by Turkiye's Aspiration to Join BRICS - US Journalist Hinkle
- Why Turkiye's Move to Join BRICS as Full Member is Big Deal
- Thousands Protest Across France Against Barnier’s Appointment as Prime Minister - Reports
- China-Africa Trade Yields 'Win-Win Outcomes' While West Only Seeks to Exploit Continent
- West Persists in Media Hysteria Over Alleged Russian Interference in US Elections
- No US-Style Witch Hunt in Russia – American Journo
- Ukraine Loses Over 10,700 Soldiers, 84 Tanks in Kursk Region Attack - Russian Ministry
- Zelensky Fails to Convince Allies to Lift Weapon Limits for Strikes on Russia - Reports
- BRICS Forum Initiatives Will Bolster Members' Global Economic Positions - Putin
- Orban Says Not in Europe's Interests to Take Ukraine’s Stance in Conflict With Russia
- Russian Forces Liberate Kalinovo Settlement in Donetsk People's Republic - Defense Ministry
The New York Times
- Israeli Military Reveals Brutal Conditions 6 Hostages Endured in a Gaza Tunnel
- The Israeli military details the brutal conditions six hostages endured before they were killed in a tunnel.
- Israeli Bombing in Gaza ‘Humanitarian Zone’ Kills at Least 19, Officials Say
- Wednesday Briefing: A Guide to the Harris-Trump Debate
- I.C.C. Prosecutor Presses Court for Arrest Warrants for Hamas Chiefs and Israeli Leaders
- K-Cup Pods Aren’t Recyclable, S.E.C. Says
- K-Cup Pods Aren’t Recyclable, S.E.C. Says
- White House and WADA in Bitter Fight Over Chinese Doping Cases
- ‘You Do Need to Tell a Story’: Prime Minister Keir Starmer Survives Revolt Over Winter Fuel Aid
- 2,000-Pound Bombs Likely Used in Mawasi Strike
- ‘We Believed Them’: Gazans React After Israel Strikes Humanitarian Zone
- An American Sovereign Wealth Fund? Easier Said Than Done.
- Pakistani Police Arrest Lawmakers Allied With Imran Khan
- Ukrainian Drone Attack Hits Apartment Buildings Near Moscow
- In Jordan’s Election, Unemployment, Rather than Gaza, Is on Voters’ Minds
- Singles in Spain Look for Love in the Grocery Store, With Pineapples as Prop
- Dominique Pelicot, on Trial in Mass Rape Case in France, Taken to Hospital
- U.S., Vowing Sanctions, Accuses Iran of Sending Missiles to Russia
- Israel Says Its Forces ‘Unintentionally’ Fired on Slain American Activist
- The Spectator Magazine Sold to Paul Marshall, a U.K. Hedge Fund Tycoon
- Tariq Ramadan, Scholar of Islam, Is Convicted of Rape in Switzerland
- Middle East Crisis: Israel Strikes Humanitarian Area; Gazan Authorities Say Dozens Are Killed
- Boyfriend Who Set on Fire Olympic Runner Rebecca Cheptegei Dies
- Polio Vaccinations Begin in Northern Gaza After Israel Detained a UN Convoy
- Fearing Airstrikes, Gaza School Shelters Try to Bar Hamas and Others
- Hostages Still Held by Hamas Are in ‘Grave Danger,’ Families Warn
- Ali Mohamed Kibao, Tanzania Opposition Official, Found Dead
- What to Know About the FGC-9 and Other 3-D-Printed Guns
- What to Know About the FGC-9 and Other 3-D-Printed Guns
- Our Reporter on How the FGC-9 Is Spreading Across the World
- These Venezuelan Election Observers Got Death Threats. Now They’re in Hiding.
- ‘Ivan the Troll’ Has Made a 3-D-Printed Gun, the FGC-9, Go Viral
- Australia Plans to Set Age Limits for Social Media
- Israel Strikes Humanitarian Area in Gaza
- Israel Strikes in Part of Gaza Packed With Displaced People
- 1 Person Killed in Ukrainian Drone Strike Near Moscow, Russia Says
- Israel strikes a part of Gaza packed with displaced people.
- How Nail Salons Lift Morale in Ukraine
- Palestinian Militants in the West Bank Flex New Capabilities
- White House Says G.O.P.’s Afghanistan Report Offers ‘Little or Nothing New’
- Airstrikes Hit Syrian City Said to Be a Weapons Research Hub, Killing 18
- Tuesday Briefing: Trump and Harris Prepare to Debate
- How a Philippine Televangelist Ended Up on the F.B.I.’s Most-Wanted List
- Palestinians Hold Funeral for Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, American Slain in West Bank
- Germany to Tighten Border Controls as Anti-Immigrant Parties Gain Votes
- Germany to Tighten Border Controls as Anti-Immigrant Parties Gain Votes
- Palestinian Militants in the West Bank Flex New Capabilities
- West Bank Procession is Held For Killed Turkish American Activist
- At Least 59 Killed in Road Collision in Nigeria
- Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, Has Completed her Chemotherapy for Cancer
- Peter Nygard Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison for Sexual Assault
- Russian Forces Capture 2 Villages in Eastern Ukraine, Analysis Shows
- At Least 14 Killed in Airstrikes in Syria, State Media Reports
- Three Israelis are killed at a border crossing, and other news.
- Middle East Crisis: At Least 14 Killed in Airstrikes in Syria, State Media Reports
- A Tug Between Russia and Europe Divides Montenegro
- How to Wash Laundry in an Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Way
- El Salvador’s Police Chief Dies in Helicopter Crash
- Why Is Pope Francis Going to East Timor?
- Typhoon Yagi Tears Through Vietnam
- Edmundo González Flees Venezuela for Spain, and Hopes for Democracy Dim
- Monday Briefing: Judge Postponed Trump’s Sentencing
- Fugitive Televangelist Wanted by F.B.I. Is Caught in the Philippines
- After a Century and a Half in Sweden, Finnish Skulls Return Home
- They Had Thriving Lives on X, Until Brazil Banned It Overnight
- Greece to Restrict Cruise Ships and Tourist Homes on Busy Islands
- North Korea Sends More Trash Balloons South
- 3 Israelis Dead in Shooting at Allenby Crossing With Jordan, Israel’s Military Says
- Struggling to Stem Extremism, Tajikistan Hunts Beards and Head Scarves
- Edmundo González, Opposition Candidate, Flees Venezuela
- Brazil’s X Ban Upended Digital Businesses Overnight
- In Rural China, ‘Sisterhoods’ Demand Justice, and Cash
- Kuwait Turns to Power Cuts as Climate Change Strains Its Grid
- Typhoon Yagi Lashes Vietnam With Strong Winds and Torrential Rain
- Family of American Slain in the West Bank Demands an Independent Probe
- Spy Chiefs of the C.I.A. and MI6 Convene, on a Couch and for a Crowd
- Ukrainian Forces Block Russian Advance on a Key Eastern Town
- India’s Epidemic of Cow Vigilantism Unnerves Nation’s Muslims
- Iran Sent Short-Range Missiles to Russia, U.S. and European Officials Say
- Israel Strikes School-Turned Shelter in Jabaliya, Gaza Medics Say
- The U.S. Open Concludes
- Online Credit Unions Offering High Interest Rates on Savings May Be Fakes
- The Pivotal Decision That Led to a Resurgence of Polio
- Meet the Team Climbing Trees in the Amazon to Better Understand Carbon Stores
- How Telegram Became a Playground for Criminals, Extremists and Terrorists
- In Papua New Guinea, Pope Hears Plea for Climate Action
- Street Artist Documents War in Ukraine, One Stark Mural at a Time
- Tony Blair’s Advice on Leadership: Tend to Your Legacy
- Typhoon Yagi Approaches Vietnam After Pummeling Southern China
- Indonesia Is One of the World’s Biggest Sources of Catholic Priests
- Aysenur Eygi, American Killed in the West Bank, Was a Campus Organizer
- Jenin Residents Take Stock of Destruction as Israeli Forces Withdraw
- In France Rape Trial, a Daughter Talks of Torment
- Nell McCafferty, Larger-Than-Life Irish Journalist, Dies at 80
- American Activist Dies After Being Shot at a West Bank Protest
- U.N. Panel Calls for International Force in Sudan to Protect Civilians
- Twitter Changed Soccer. There’s a Risk X Will Do It Again.
- Israeli Military Withdraws From Jenin After 10-Day Raid
- Eagles Players Feared Crime in Brazil. Is Philadelphia More Dangerous?
- Ukraine’s Zelensky Presses Western Allies for More Weapons
The Hindu
- Morning Digest: Protesting doctors reject Bengal govt.’s call for talks; ix Indians released from Russian Army, and more
- Debate opens with tense disputes between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris over economy and abortion
- With an eye on Indo-Pacific, Germany seeks greater defence ties with India
- Australia proposes legal minimum age for children accessing social media
- Maldives Ministers quit months after 'clown' jibe against PM Modi
- India hosts 12th review meeting of Greater Male Connectivity Project
- Six Indians released from Russian Army
- Israel releases video of a Gaza tunnel where it says militants killed six hostages
- Russia says captured town, three villages in eastern Ukraine
- Israeli defense chief says a temporary truce with Hamas is possible. Ending the war is another story
- Germany, France, U.K. slap sanctions on Iran over missiles for Russia
- Swiss appeals court convicts Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan of rape, overruling a lower court
- Top U.S. diplomat Donald Lu to visit India, Bangladesh
- Maldivian President Muizzu to visit India 'very soon', says spokesperson
- Ukraine identifies Russian suspect in July attack on children's hospital
- An unsteady alliance: Donald Trump and the religious right
- SpaceX set to launch billionaire's private crew on breakthrough spacewalk mission
- U.S. House Republicans’ report blames Biden for chaotic Afghan withdrawal
- U.S. military warns Beijing against 'dangerous' South China Sea moves in talks
- Venezuela’s Opposition cornered as Gonzales flees and Maduro digs in
- Indian mission in Pakistan denies information on status of Kulbhushan Jadhav
- China announces joint naval, air drills with Russia
- Robot begins removal of melted fuel from the Fukushima nuclear plant, could take a century
- Vietnam storm deaths rise to 64 as a bridge collapses and flooding sweeps away a bus
- Israeli missile strike on Gaza kills and wounds dozens, authorities say
- Kamala Harris and Donald Trump to clash as America awaits next twist
- Morning Digest: GoM set up to review 18% GST on health, life covers; Bangladesh to seek extradition of Sheikh Hasina from India, and more
- Philadelphia gears up for Harris-Trump debate
- Kiran Mazumdar Shaw to launch Ireland-India Diaspora Network
- Jailed Harvey Weinstein taken to NYC hospital for emergency heart surgery
- Top leaders of Imran Khan's PTI arrested outside parliament in Islamabad
- Kate, princess of Wales, says she’ll return to public duties
- India supports Israel-Hamas ceasefire as ‘soon as possible’: EAM Jaishankar
- Bangladesh to seek extradition of Sheikh Hasina from India
- Ukraine war: Russia claims another village in east Ukraine, near Pokrovsk
- EU says has 'credible information' Iran sent missiles to Russia
- 8 Afghan Taliban soldiers killed in border clash with Pakistani forces
- Afghanistan’s London embassy to close after its diplomats were disowned by the Taliban
- Poland neutralises sabotage group linked to Belarus and Russia
- UN rights chief urges states to challenge Israel over occupation
- Fear of 'lost generation' as Gaza school year begins with all classes shut
- Daily Quiz On 2024, the year of elections
- Did Zelenskyy’s Kursk gamble backfire?
- Apple iPhone 16 launch event LIVE updates: Apple Intelligence-infused smartphones, upgraded cameras, Watch 10, AirPods 4 expected
- Ukraine says it downed six drones and two missiles during Russia's attack
- Spanish Prime Minister visits China to shore up trade & cultural ties amid EV tariff spat
- Israeli strikes in central Syria kill seven: war monitor
- PM Modi holds talks with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince
- Bridge collapses owing to heavy rains in Vietnam; no casualties reported
- Pakistan women ride economic crisis to carve out a place among workforce
- A year on, rebuilding eastern Libya’s flood-hit neighbourhoods plagued by politics
- Child abuse scandals hang over Pope’s East Timor visit
- Iraq, U.S. agree on phased coalition troop pullout: Minister
- Apple ‘Glowtime’ event: What to expect from iPhone 16, Watch 10 and AirPods 4
- Indian-American entrepreneur releases song to mobilise South Asians to vote for Kamala Harris
- Indonesian villagers dress corpses in ritual for the dead
- Morning Digest: SC to hear Kolkata junior doctor rape-murder case today; Jannik Sinner beats Taylor Fritz to win U.S. Open, and more
- Algeria's President Tebboune wins second term with 95% of vote
- 48 killed as fuel tanker collides with truck in Nigeria
- Two NATO members say Russian drones have violated their airspace
- Australia's census to include sexual orientation, gender questions for first time
- Russia takes Ukrainian town in advance on Pokrovsk
- Bangladesh-India relations should be based on equity and fairness: Chief Adviser Yunus
- Kim Jong Un emphasises importance of strengthening naval power
- Boeing says it has a deal to avoid a strike by more than 30,000 machinists
- Bangladesh interim govt warns against communal unrest during Durga puja
- Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif declares education emergency on International Literacy Day
- Bangladesh to take necessary steps to extradite deposed PM Sheikh Hasina from India
- Big democracy like India is more than a ‘post office’ for Ukraine-Russia messages: Ukraine Envoy Oleksandr Polishchuk
- Typhoon Yagi kills 14 in Vietnam as officials warn of heavy rain and floods
- Two shot and wounded at the West Bank-Jordan border crossing, says Israeli medics
- Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party set to stage rally in Islamabad
- Pope arrives in remote jungles of Papua New Guinea, brings in a ton of humanitarian aid and toys
- Opposition leader Gonzalez left country for asylum in Spain, says Venezuelan official
- No plan to change Bangladesh national anthem: Religious Advisor
- Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel
- Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim they shot down another U.S. MQ-9 drone
- Several people shot on U.S.’s Kentucky highway, authorities say
- Venezuela revokes Brazil's custody of diplomatic mission that's housing 6 Maduro opponents
- India can play a role in finding solution to Ukraine conflict: Italian PM Meloni
- Bolivia declares national emergency due to forest fires
- Greek PM pledges pension, wage hikes by 2027, within budget limits
- Michel Barnier: ‘Monsieur Brexit’ to France’s PM
- As India and U.S. agree to swap turns, Biden to host Quad Summit at his hometown
- Navdeep's silver upgraded to gold in men's javelin throw F41 at Paralympics
- U.S. and U.K. spy chiefs praise Ukraine’s ’audacious’ Russia incursion and call for a Gaza cease-fire
- Social media platform X back up after brief outage, Downdetector shows
- Myanmar militia releases two abducted Mizo teens after five days of torture
- Kenyan officials remove bodies as they try to confirm the death toll from a school dormitory fire
- Israeli strikes in Gaza kill more than a dozen as health workers press on with polio vaccines
- Pakistan Army Chief acknowledges role of Pakistani Army in Kargil war
- Vietnamese authorities say Typhoon Yagi has killed at least 4 and injured 78 others
- Zelensky meets Meloni in Italy, presses for more arms
- U.S., Japan, South Korea officials brainstorm steps to counter North Korea cyberthreats at working group meet
- Former Republican Vice-President Dick Cheney says he will vote for Kamala Harris
- White House ‘deeply disturbed’ by the killing of American protestor in West Bank
- Venezuela’s Machado calls on the international community to step up the pressure on Maduro
- Venice film questions Sicily’s mafia boss on the run
- Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are getting ready for Tuesday's debate in sharply different ways
- Typhoon Yagi kills 2 and injures 92 in China's Hainan as it makes its way to northern Vietnam
Al Jazeera
- Tropical Storm Francine forecast to be hurricane before striking Louisiana
- Top Ugandan athlete’s killer dies
- How do Palestinians in Gaza resist Israel’s attacks on education?
- Europe’s top court backs crackdown on Apple and Google
- Thousands flee homes in Vietnam as Typhoon Yagi death toll climbs to 127
- Ukraine blames Russian air force commander for children’s hospital attack
- East Timor turns out in force for mass with Pope Francis
- Israel says highly likely its soldiers killed American-Turkish activist
- SpaceX rocket launches billionaire to make first private spacewalk
- Death toll from boat that capsized off Senegal rises to 26
- State Department not investigating killing of US citizen Aysenur Eygi
- US’s Blinken says Russia received ballistic missiles from Iran
- Is Pakistan set for new Khan vs government showdown after PTI arrests?
- First-person account of surviving Israel’s bombing of al-Mawasi in Gaza
- Why is Germany imposing more restrictions on its borders?
- What’s Mawasi, the Israel-designated Gaza ‘safe zone’ it bombed overnight?
- What’s in a name? Resistance to genocide
- Trump-Harris face-off: Do presidential debates change voter preferences?
- Blinken: Israeli killing of US citizen ‘unprovoked and unjustified’
- Israeli academia is directly complicit in the crimes of the state
- Painting from prison: Egypt’s iconic activist, Inji Efflatoun
- India’s Manipur imposes curfew, cuts internet to quell escalating violence
- Life as a minority in the UK: Racism and realities
- Palestinians in Gaza forced to shelter at the edge of the sea
- Video: Report from scene of attack on Gaza tent camp
- What happened in Israeli attack on Gaza tent camp?
- Swiss court convicts Islamic scholar on rape charges
- Formula One design guru Adrian Newey to join Aston Martin in March 2025
- UK begins inquiry into how nurse Lucy Letby murdered seven babies
- Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei’s attacker dies in hospital
- In Ukraine, some are sceptical of Zelenskyy’s shake-up as Russia advances
- North Korean leader Kim orders boost to nuclear arsenal
- Israeli strike on Gaza’s al-Mawasi ‘safe zone’ kills dozens
- Pakistan police arrest lawmakers, leaders from former PM Imran Khan’s party
- Researchers warn methane emissions ‘rising faster than ever’
- Indians celebrate elephant-headed Hindu god Ganesha, remover of obstacles
- Australian PM announces plan to ban young children from social media
- Before Brazil and Elon Musk: X’s history of run-ins with left and right
- Video shows drone attack hit apartment building in Russia
- Israeli attack on Gaza tent camp leaves vast crater
- China, Russia to conduct joint naval and air drills this month
- Israeli attack on Gaza displacement camp kills dozens
- Jordan elections: How will electoral reforms impact the September 10 polls?
- Hasina gone but fate of Bangladesh’s forcibly disappeared hangs in balance
- One killed in Moscow as dozens of Ukrainian drones target Russia
- Australia says it will ban minors from using social media
- James Earl Jones, actor and voice of Darth Vader, has died aged 93
- Harvey Weinstein undergoes emergency heart surgery, representatives say
- Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 928
- ‘Heinous’: At least 40 killed in Israeli attack on tent camp, officials say
BBC News
- At least 19 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza ‘safe zone’ for displaced people | BBC News
- UK halts all Iran flights as allies step up sanctions | BBC News
- Beyonce snubbed at country music awards | BBC News
- Flooding kills more than 20 in Morocco and Algeria | BBC News
- Israeli strike in Gaza humanitarian zone kills 19, Hamas-run health ministry says | BBC News
- Australia to ban children from using social media | BBC News
- Harris and Trump to debate in pivotal campaign test | BBC News
- France rape trial husband 'too unwell' to take stand | BBC News
- Women banned from speaking in public by Afghanistan's Taliban rulers | BBC News
- iPhone 16 makes debut with Apple Intelligence | BBC News
- Harvey Weinstein in hospital for emergency heart surgery | BBC News
- Israeli strikes on Syrian military sites kill dozens, health minister says | BBC News
- Afghanistan hospital struggling to save starving babies | BBC News
- Kate says she has completed chemotherapy treatment in video message | BBC News
- What we know about the Trump-Harris presidential debate | BBC News
- Five escape from high-security jail in Portugal. #Portugal #Escape #BBCNews
- Ukraine's vital eastern town Pokrovsk in Russian sights | BBC News
- Venezuela's Edmundo González vows to 'continue to fight' for democracy after Spain asylum | BBC News
- Inside Afghanistan: millions of children suffering extreme malnutrition | BBC News
- Kate Winslet says it's time women celebrated being a 'real shape'. #KateWinslet #BodyImage #BBCNews
- Venezuela opposition leader granted political asylum in Spain | BBC News
- Donald Trump reacts to Putin saying he'd prefer Kamala Harris as US president. #USElection #BBCNews
- Donald Trump reacts to Vladimir Putin endorsing Kamala Harris as next US president | BBC News
- Children injured in deadly Russian attack on Ukraine | BBC News
- Three civilians killed in West Bank-Jordan border attack, say Israeli officials | BBC News
- Tennis star Jack Draper vomits on court during US Open semi-final | BBC News
- Death of US-Turkish citizen in West Bank should be 'fully investigated', says UN | BBC News
- The strange history of the pineapple. #Pineapple #BBCNews
- Deadly Super Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam | BBC News
- Days of mourning declared in Kenya after fatal school fire | BBC News
- Boeing Starliner returns to earth without astronauts | BBC News
- Israel accused of shooting dead American protester in West Bank | BBC News
- Boy and father appear in court over Georgia school shooting. #Georgia #US #BBCNews
- Boy, 14 and father in court over Georgia school shooting | BBC News
- Donald Trump's hush-money sentencing delayed until after US election | BBC News
- US activist shot dead in occupied West Bank | BBC News
- Professional footballer injured after a "hefty sneeze". #Football #BBCNews
- China ends foreign adoptions | BBC News
- Kenya school fire kills at least 17 pupils | BBC News
- YouTube restricts teenager access to fitness videos. #Fitness #YouTube #BBCNews
- Can Astro Bot be Sony's recipe for success?| BBC News
- Sudan on verge of 'worst famine in the world' as civil war continues | BBC News
- Hunter Biden makes last-minute guilty plea in tax case | BBC News
- How AI helps predict extreme weather | BBC News
- Woman describes horror of learning husband drugged her so dozens of men could rape her | BBC News
- Royal Navy crew member dies in training exercise | BBC News
- New Māori queen crowned in New Zealand. #Māori #NewZealand #BBCNews
- Gillian Anderson was very comfortable talking about sex in her new book. #GillianAnderson #BBCNews
- Fake CV lands top 'engineer' in jail for 15 years. #SouthAfrica #CV #BBCNews
- Israel insists on control of Gaza's Egypt border | BBC News
- Man found frozen in US cave identified after 47 years. #Shorts #Pennsylvania #BBCNews
- Supermarket shoppers in Spain using pineapples to find love. #Spain #Pineapple #BBCNews
- Russian President Vladimir Putin says Ukraine incursion has failed | BBC News
- Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei dies after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC News
- Fraudster Anna Delvey joins line-up for Dancing With The Stars. #AnnaDelvey #DWTS #BBCNews
- Michel Barnier named by Macron as new French prime minister | BBC News
- US school shooting suspect, 14, quizzed by police last year | BBC News
- Armed man shot dead by police near Israeli consulate in Munich, Germany | BBC News
- Scathing Grenfell Tower fire report condemns “incompetence”, “dishonesty” and “greed” | BBC News
- Georgia school shooting: 14-year-old in custody after four killed | BBC News
- 14-year-old in custody after four killed in US high school shooting. #Georgia #US #BBCNews
- US accuses Russia of 2024 election interference | BBC News
- US high school shooting leaves at least four dead | BBC News
- Keaton brings out Beetlejuice for BBC interview. #MichaelKeaton #Beetlejuice #BBCNews
- US election: Is Trump or Harris leading in the polls? | BBC News
- Jenna Ortega says she's excited to play 'weird' characters. #JennaOrtega #Beetlejuice #BBCNews
- English Channel: More small boat crossings after deadly capsize near French coast | BBC News
- West Bank Palestinian families living in fear of extremist Israeli settlers | BBC News
- Russian strike on Lviv in Ukraine kills seven | BBC News
- Tim Burton receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. #TimBurton #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice #BBCNews
- Damning final report into Grenfell Tower fire published | BBC News
- New York governor's ex-aide charged as Chinese spy | BBC News
- Ruins of a lost Greek village re-emerge after drought. #Greece #BBCNews
- Seven swing states set to decide the 2024 US election | BBC News
- UK experiences coolest summer since 2015. #UKSummer #Weather #BBCNews
- Six children and pregnant woman among 12 dead as boat sinks in English channel | BBC News
- WHO exceeds target for Gaza polio vaccinations as campaign continues | BBC News
- Polish Eurovision bosses 'haven't spoken to Jojo Siwa'. #EurovisonSongContest #JojoSiwa #BBCNews
- Ukraine death toll rises to more than 50 after Russian missile attack | BBC News
- At least 12 dead after boat carrying migrants capsizes in English Channel | BBC News
- Netanyahu calls UK arms suspension to Israel ‘shameful’ | BBC News
- 41 killed in Russian attack on Ukrainian city, President Zelensky says | BBC News
- Pope Francis begins historic Asia Pacific trip | BBC News
- Phone 'snatch thefts' more than double in parts of UK. #Theft #Phone #BBCNews
- Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu asks for forgiveness over hostage deaths | BBC News
- What is 'dynamic pricing' of tickets? #Oasis #Concerts #BBCNews
- Elon Musk's X under pressure amid Brazil ban | BBC News
- Lorry driver crashes after being distracted by phone. #Wales #Dashcam #BBCNews
- UK suspends some arms exports to Israel | BBC News
- Ukrainian army's newest recruits prepare for war | BBC News
- Israeli court orders end to general strike with more protests planned | BBC News
- Calls to reject far-right AfD party after victory in eastern Germany | BBC News
- General strike in Israel begins | BBC News
- Huge protests in Israel as public demand deal to release hostages | BBC News
- German far right heading for vote win in east, exit poll projects | BBC News
- German elections polls open for voters as far right AfD eyes gains | BBC News
- Israel says bodies of six hostages held by Hamas in Gaza recovered | BBC News
- Pause in fighting holds as Gaza children get polio vaccine | BBC News
- Ozempic could delay ageing, researchers suggest | BBC News
- Oasis tickets 'must not mislead' fans', says the UK Advertising Standards Authority | BBC News
- Russia launches joint navy drills with China
- EU weighs 'strong' response to Iranian deliveries of ballistic missiles to Russia
- Defence capabilities Ukraine's new government top priority, PM Shmyhal says
- Why is Germany strengthening its border controls now?
- At least 19 killed in Israeli airstrike on tent camp in Gaza
- Latest news bulletin | September 10th – Evening
- Kamala Harris and Donald Trump prepare for crucial TV debate
- Defence capabilities Ukraine's new government top priority, PM Shmyhal says
- Climate resilience: Copenhagen's dream of a flood-proof city
- Toni Nadal names Novak Djokovic greatest tennis player of all time
- Apple, Ireland lose €13bn sweetheart tax deal case in victory for EU's 'tax lady'
- Russian authorities report massive Ukrainian drone barrage overnight
- Apple, Ireland lose €13bn sweetheart tax deal case in victory for EU's 'tax lady'
- Majority of NGOs in Georgia refuse to register as 'foreign agents' under new law
- Latest news bulletin | September 10th – Midday
- Italian government faces a split over citizenship reform debate
- At least 40 displaced Palestinians killed by Israeli strike on designated safe zone
- Israeli Nations League football fans call for end to war
- Zelenskyy stresses assistance from allies is urgently needed to combat Russian forces
- Pope Francis calls for protection of young people during visit to Timor-Leste
- Latest news bulletin | September 10th – Morning
- The EU must play "leading role" in Venezuela, says opposition journalist
- Lowest water levels ever in Bosnia and Poland: record-breaking summer wreaks drought
- Germany announces temporary border checks at all land borders
- Josep Borrell arrives in Egypt as Gaza humanitarian crisis worsens
- Latest news bulletin | September 9th – Evening
- Exploring Belgrade: The Historic Church of St. Sava and the timeless Belgrade Fortress
- 'Crimea is Ukraine': EU denounces 'elections' in Russian-occupied territory
- In the footsteps of the Khans: A journey through Azerbaijan’s exclave Nakhchivan
- Russian attack on Ukrainian town of Nikopol kills 16-year-old
- 🔴 LIVE - Gaza Crisis: Strikes on Al-Aqsa Hospital & Khan Younis
- Latest news bulletin | September 9th – Midday
- Pope Francis lands in Timor-Leste to encourage its recovery from traumatic past
- Storm deaths rise to 59 as typhoon Yagi ravages Vietnam
- Algerian presidential candidates slam contradicting vote results
- Future of EU competitiveness report unveiling by Mario Draghi, with Ursula von der Leyen
- Latest news bulletin | September 9th – Morning
- European Left party splits as new group eyes new central and eastern countries
- France spent €2bn on the Olympics - was it good for the economy?
- Residents in northern Romania survey damage after massive fire is extinguished
- German Chancellor says any future Ukraine peace conference must include Russia
- Pedro Sanchez arrives in Beijing as EU-China tariffs rift rumbles on
- Paris Paralympics set records
- Five dangerous prisoners escaped from Portugal’s high-security prison, still at large
- Russia votes in regional and municipal elections including Ukrainian-controlled Kursk
- China finish top of Paralympic table for sixth consecutive time as Games wrap up in Paris
- Latest news bulletin | September 8th – Evening
- Christian pilgrims in Lourdes evacuated after nearby river overflows
- Which were the best moments of the Paris Paralympics?
- Salzburg glaciers may vanish in 10-15 years due to rapid climate change shrinkage
- Four killed in shoot-out at crossing between West Bank and Jordan
- Pope brings toys and medicine to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea
- Latest news bulletin | September 8th – Midday
- Salzburg glaciers may vanish in 10-15 years due to rapid climate change shrinkage
- Latest news bulletin | September 8th – Morning
- US informs allies Iran transferred ballistic missiles to Russia to use in Ukraine war
- Kosovo closes two border crossings with Serbia after activists stage blockade
- Greek PM Mitsotakis announces pension boosts and wage hike in 2024 economic plan
- Meloni: We must not give up on Ukraine
- Israeli air raids in the Gaza Strip kill more than a dozen people
- Latest news bulletin | September 7th – Evening
- Russian strikes kill at least three people in eastern Ukraine
- Thousands protest across France against Macron's choice of PM
- Libyan coastguard returns boat with 64 migrants to shore
- Libyan coastguard returns boat with 64 migrants to shore
- Latest news bulletin | September 7th – Midday
- Latest news bulletin | September 7th – Morning
- Brussels, my love? Ursula von der Leyen cracks the whip on gender parity
- Azov Brigade says previously 'catastrophic' situation in Niu-York stabilised
- EU envoy urges Kosovo and Serbia to step up efforts towards normalising relations
- Zelenskyy says Ukrainians have 'no choice to fight' two years after Russian invasion
- 'We never let them in': Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán demands new laws tackling migration
- Ukraine needs to align legal framework with EU, says new Justice Minister Olha Stefanishyna
- Vestager: 'a gender-balanced Commission can do unprecedented work'
- State of the Union: Is Scholz a chancellor on call?
- Latest news bulletin | September 6th – Evening
- Zelenskyy says Kursk incursion has ‘turned the tables’ in Ukraine as he seeks further military ai…
- Tensions in Poland over migrants escalate despite fall in attempted crossings from Belarus
- World Gushtingiri Championships debut in Tajikistan, uniting over 60 nations in historic event
- 'I didn't even have trainers': Ukrainians recall hellish preparation ahead of Paralympics
- Audi Brussels plant risks closure as car model ceases production after 2025
- Rome wants to charge tourists to visit the Trevi Fountain - here’s why
- More job cuts on the way as German economy struggles to recover
- Ukrainian village hit by Russian drone debris as Lviv mourns attack victims
- Latest news bulletin | September 6th – Midday
- Israeli army withdraws from Jenin after 10-day assault, reports say
- 🔴 LIVE - Pope's historic arrival in Papua New Guinea: welcome ceremony | euronews 🇬🇧
- Israeli army withdraws from Jenin after 10-day assault, reports say
- Kazakhstan prairies ready to rumble for World Nomad Games in Astana
- Surge in sinkholes in 'Turkey's granary' endangers agriculture
- Latest news bulletin | September 6th – Morning
- France's new prime minister Michel Barnier promises to respond to 'anger' of the people
- Protesters march in Tel Aviv with makeshift coffins to demand release of Gaza hostages
- France's new prime minister Michel Barnier promises to respond to 'anger' of the people
- Man swept away in floodwater as heavy rainstorms batter parts of northern Italy
- Man killed in shootout at Israeli consulate in Munich was known to Austrian police
- EU-donated mpox vaccines arrive in DRC after WHO declared health emergency
- Protesters march in Tel Aviv with makeshift coffins to demand release of Gaza hostages
- Zelenskyy's government reshuffle: Who’s who in Ukraine’s new cabinet
- EU lawmakers call for release of marine activist Paul Watson in Denmark
Global News
- Freeland blasts Canadian funds going to ‘Russians at War’ doc: ‘Not right’
- Ex-boyfriend accused of setting Rebecca Cheptegei on fire dies from burns
- Why does Indonesia’s Bali province want to ban hotel construction?
- Ukraine strikes Moscow in biggest drone attack so far
- China ends foreign adoptions, leaving some hopeful families with questions
- ‘Russians at War’ documentary at TIFF sparks backlash over Canadian funding
- ‘What a relief’: Kate Middleton announces she’s completed chemotherapy
- Man flees country after allegedly pouring hot coffee on baby: Australia police
- Couche-Tard ‘disappointed’ after 7-Eleven owner rejects takeover offer
- Romania says Russian drone violated airspace during attacks on Ukraine
- Ukraine mourns dead from Russian strike, vows to increase military production
- Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam, kills at least 4 and injures dozens
- UN Security Council considers peacekeeping plan to replace Kenya-led Haiti mission
- Boeing’s Starliner has made its return to Earth — without its astronauts
- Superyacht sinking victims died of ‘dry drowning,’ initial autopsies find
- Greta Thunberg detained by police at pro-Palestinian protest in Denmark
- 7-Eleven owner rejects Couche-Tard’s takeover offer
- Summer 2024 was the hottest on record, EU climate agency says
- Canada plans to send Ukraine over 80K unarmed small rockets
- Trial underway for French man accused of inviting dozens of men to rape his wife
- France has a new prime minister. Who is Michel Barnier?
- Canada condemns alleged Russian interference in 2024 U.S. election
- 18-year-old killed by police after opening fire near Israeli consulate in Munich
- Ugandan Olympic athlete dies after being set on fire by her boyfriend
- Beloved ‘Russian spy’ beluga whale was shot dead, animal rights groups say
- U.S. plans to accuse Russia of 2024 election disinformation campaigns
- Venezuela moves Christmas to Oct. 1, President Nicolás Maduro decrees
- Planning a visit to New Zealand? Why you might have to pay more this year
- Canola farmers say China retaliatory probe ‘one more thing’ to worry about
- Grenfell fire report blames ‘dishonest’ firms, govt failures for 2017 tragedy
- Ukraine’s foreign minister resigns ahead of expected government shuffle
- U.S. charges Hamas leader, other militants over Oct. 7 attack on Israel
- Ugandan Olympic athlete set on fire by her boyfriend, police say
- Venezuela’s arrest warrant for opposition leader condemned by U.S., Brazil
- New Titanic images show ship’s iconic railing is broken, plus more artifacts
- Votes in space? How stranded Starliner astronauts will cast U.S. election ballots
- Russian airstrike kills 41, injures 180 in Ukrainian city, says Zelenskyy
- China hits Canada with anti-dumping canola probe after EV tariffs
- U.S. seizes Venezuelan president’s plane, says it was purchased illegally
- U.K. suspends some arms exports to Israel, citing humanitarian law risk
- African nations lose up to 5% of GDP annually due to climate change: report
- Rare strike in Israel adds to pressure for ceasefire, hostage deal in Gaza
- Palestinian militants kill 3 Israeli police in the West Bank
- Toronto woman grappling with grief, anger after death of cousin held hostage by Hamas
- A German far-right party leads exit polls in one state election and is roughly level in another
- Companies are crafting new ways to grow cocoa, and chocolate alternatives, to keep up with demand
- Harris calls Trump’s appearance at Arlington a ‘political stunt’ that ‘disrespected sacred ground’
- Russia says it downed over 150 drones in one of the biggest Ukrainian drone attacks of the war
- Israel recovers the bodies of 6 hostages in Gaza, including Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin
- A deadly storm sweeps through Japan and heavy rainfall could last for days
- Brazilian judge suspends Elon Musk’s X platform nationwide
- Norway’s Princess Martha Louise to wed U.S. shaman amid years of controversy
- Condom use among teens in ‘alarming decline,’ WHO says as STI rates rise
- Afghan women sing in defiance of Taliban morality laws
- 700 wild animals, including elephants and hippos, to be killed for meat in Namibia
- Spanish YouTube chef found guilty of gruesome murder, dismemberment in Thailand
- WHO says ‘staggered’ pauses in Gaza fighting will allow polio vaccines
- Terror plot at Taylor Swift concert aimed to kill thousands: CIA official
- Charges laid in ‘swatting’ plot against U.S. politicians, former president
- Australians now have a right to disconnect from work. Will Canada follow?
- U.S., China plan new Biden-Xi talks as top officials meet in Beijing
- Akwesasne woman sought in U.S. over drowning deaths of migrants in St. Lawrence River
- U.S. woman reportedly dead after Viking ship replica sinks off Norway
- Museum mishap: 4-year-old boy accidentally shatters 3,500-year-old jar
- Why spotlight is now on IUD and gynecological pain: ‘It’s 2024. Come on’
- These 2 men are sworn enemies — and the keys for any Gaza ceasefire
- What to expect for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games
- Ukraine reveals new long-range weapon — and Russia is within its sights
- Woman injured after orcas ram another boat off Spain’s coast
- Mexico freezes relations with U.S., Canadian embassies in judicial reform spat
- Iceland cave collapse shows ‘incredibly’ dangerous risk of summer visits
- China is ‘going to retaliate’ over Canada’s tariff hikes, experts say. How?
- Africa’s mpox outbreaks due to decades of neglect, experts say
- Wildfire smoke chokes Brazil’s capital amid raging blazes across country
- At least 4 dead in large Russian attack on Ukraine
- Superyacht sinking: Captain under investigation for manslaughter
- Iceland cave collapse kills tourist, two more missing
- 1st lung cancer vaccine trials launch, powered by COVID mRNA technology
- German police search for knife attacker who killed 3 at a community festival
- Gaza talks resume in Cairo as suffering worsens under Israeli campaign
- Moscow, Kyiv swap prisoners as Ukraine marks independence day
- 3 killed, 4 hurt in attack on festival in Germany city: police
- Biden speaks to Zelenskyy, pledges U.S. military aid for Ukraine Independence Day
- Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces from public in new restrictive laws
- Superyacht sinking: Manslaughter charges considered as last body found
- 2nd-largest diamond ever unearthed found by Canadian company in Botswana
- Zelenskyy visits Ukraine border area where forces launched Russia incursion
- Why Canada’s ‘unprecedented’ rail shutdown is ‘high stakes’ for exporters
- Plane passenger arrested after forcing open exit door and walking on wing
- Canadian-Israeli man detained in Russia over U.S. fraud allegations
- Rail shutdown likely as labour minister says ‘significant issues’ remain
- Shein is suing Temu over claims of stolen designs. What’s going on?
- Superyacht sinking: Bodies found during search of wreckage in Sicily
- A Canadian has been arrested in Russia, officials say
- Ukraine launches one of its largest drone attacks on Moscow
- Mpox is not the new COVID, WHO official says. Here’s why
- Canada pledges $5.7M aid for Ukraine as minister visits Kyiv
- The world’s oldest person, Spain’s Maria Branyas, dies at 117
- Superyacht sinking: The 6 missing tourists rescuers are looking for
- IN PHOTOS: Super blue moon lights up skies in rare lunar event
RT News – World
- Melania Trump demands ‘truth’ about shooting of husband
- US to allow Ukraine attack Russia with long range missiles – Axios
- Trump-Harris debate live coverage – all the latest on RT
- Ohio residents say Haitian migrants eating cats
- US and China take part in joint military drills – media
- Israel wants US help with Gaza genocide case – Axios
- Almost 250,000 Ukrainians lose temporary protection in Germany – Eurostat
- Kamala Harris copy-pasted her policies from Biden site – internet sleuths
- Multiple fatalities in Israeli strike on Gaza ‘safe zone’
- Australia could bar children from using social media
- UK starts releasing thousands of prisoners early – media
- North Korea vows expansion of its nuclear arsenal
- US to sanction Iran over alleged missile shipments
- West silences activists at home while promoting rights abroad – report
- Kremlin responds to Ukrainian attacks on Moscow Region
- ‘Clear and present danger’: US police given new UFO handbook
- Ukraine sought deal with Syrian terrorists – Turkish media
- EU state’s PM accuses world of ignoring Ukraine’s ‘Nazi troops’
- NATO paratroopers land on electricity wires (VIDEO)
- ‘Biden is out to get me’: A Russian-American TV host facing 60 years in an American jail speaks out
- Harris team drafts Trump stand-in for debate prep – WaPo
- Germany announces tougher border controls
- EU state to strengthen air defense after alleged Russian drone incursion
- Why Israel is turning to Russia for help
- Three dead in attack on Israel-Jordan border
- Eiffel family to fight Olympic rings – media
- EU facing ‘existential challenge’ – report
- US Republicans blame Biden for chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal
- Volkswagen ‘can’t continue’ as before – CEO
- Trump unveils new plan to stop de-dollarization
- Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal
- EU gears up to punish Slovakia – Bloomberg
- Israeli airstrike on Syria kills 14 people – media
- Muslim politician shoots at Jesus and Virgin Mary (PHOTOS)
- Musk set to become world’s first trillionaire – report
- Zelensky wants Italy to pressure US on arms deliveries – media
- German chancellor wants to end Ukraine conflict ‘faster’
- BBC strongly biased against Israel in Gaza reports – study
- Maduro’s rival leaves Venezuela for Spain
- North Korea building new naval base
- Putin to discuss Ukraine peace with PM Modi’s national security adviser – media
- China bans foreigners from adopting its children
- Election guru in US claims Harris will beat Trump
- Iran’s new president wants to move capital out of Tehran
- Can Israel survive its new war in the West Bank?
- CIA, MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’
- Elon Musk reveals when he will be able to send humans to Mars
- Thousands rally against new French prime minister (VIDEOS)
- German chancellor tells Ukrainians to start working
- Putin has offended me – Trump
- France to pay for Ukrainian weapons with Russian funds
- US meddling has ensured Maduro stays in power
- Erdogan wants ‘Islamic alliance’ against Israel
- Top German MP threatens X and Telegram over ‘extremist content’
- Ukraine’s top spy declares Telegram a ‘threat to national security’
- Iraq War architect endorses Kamala Harris
- No foreign attempts to interfere in presidential election detected – US intel
- Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro
- Western governments are in a crisis of their own making
- Trump pledges to scale back use of sanctions
- Orban names first step to peace in Ukraine
- Durov’s female companion speaks out for first time since arrest
- Western outlet alarmed by RT in Africa
- UK could send criminals to EU – Telegraph
- Kamala Harris backed special laws for black Americans (VIDEO)
- EU nations to give Ukraine more tanks
- EU state could force Russians to choose citizenship
- No point letting Ukraine use long-range missiles – Pentagon
- YouTube bans alleged Russia-linked right-wing channels
- White House responds to Putin’s support for Harris
- Trump reveals plans for Musk role in government
- Billions in US aid to Ukraine due to expire – Reuters
- 90% of Gaza deal agreed – Blinken
- UK to provide 650 missiles toward Ukrainian air defenses
- Telegram is no ‘anarchic paradise’ – Durov
- Canada publishing Nazi list would ‘help Russia’ – Ukrainian activists
- Netanyahu grilled over ‘step away from victory’ remark
- Durov speaks out for first time since arrest in France
- Trump pulling ahead of Harris – influential US pollster
- Washington threatens Moscow-based US citizen with 60 years in jail
- Trump reacts to Putin rooting for Harris
- Conor McGregor reveals Irish presidency plans
- Ukraine warns residents of crippling winter power cuts
- Hunter Biden pleads guilty in tax case
- Chinese spy agency warns youth about falling for good looks
- Ex-French PM believes Macron will leave office early – Politico
- Russia only strikes military targets, unlike Kiev – Kremlin
- AfD is not a problem for Germany – it’s the solution
- Austria ready to host Ukraine talks – chancellor
- Unions condemn British police for arresting independent journalist
- ‘Russian spy whale’ likely shot dead – rights groups
- Macron appoints new French PM
- Shots fired outside Israeli consulate in Munich
- US allegations against RT mere ‘gossip’ – Malaysian PM
- US trying to ‘cleanse’ media space of ‘inconvenient truth’ – Moscow
- Malaysia to attend BRICS summit in Russia – PM
- Scott Ritter forced to end cooperation with RT
- UK PM apologizes over ‘avoidable’ Grenfell Tower inferno
- At least four killed in US high school shooting
- US Justice Department reveals legal action against RT
RT News – Russia
- Russian military publishes VIDEO of biggest naval drills in decades
- US trying to maintain dominance at ‘any cost’ – Putin
- Russian Alligators pound Ukrainian positions in Kursk Region – MOD (VIDEO)
- Russia’s birth rate hits historic low – data
- Ukrainian city announces crackdown on Russian language
- Russia holding biggest strategic naval drills in decades
- Russian forces destroy another US-made rocket launcher – MOD (VIDEO)
- World should ditch dollar – Russian security chief
- Russian security chief explains West’s key ‘mistake’
- More Ukrainians want talks with Russia – WSJ
- ‘Kiev does not keep its promises,’ arrested Colombian ‘mercenaries’ tell RT
- Kremlin explains Putin’s decision on UN General Assembly participation
- Moscow accuses Kiev of ‘top-level terrorism’
- Russia fends off major Ukrainian drone raid – MOD
- Multiple drones intercepted near Moscow – mayor
- EU state’s police hunting for letter Z enthusiasts
- Russia obliterates Ukrainian command center in Kharkov Region (VIDEO)
- Zelensky’s ultimatums ‘a pain in the neck’ – Lavrov
- Kiev tightens financial controls to combat capital flight
- Russia reports massive Ukrainian losses in Kursk Region
- More US-made Ukrainian armor destroyed – MOD (VIDEO)
- Key figure in Kiev’s military drone program killed in freak car crash
- Charles De Gaulle’s grandson to move to Moscow – Russian parliament
- Ukraine’s representative in Georgia fired over washing machines – Tbilisi
- Russian MPs to tackle deepfakes
- Ukraine must not let kids flee – radical politician
- Washington acts like ax-swinging maniac – Moscow
- Ukraine deploys ‘dragon drones’ against Russia – CNN
- Washington wants Ukraine’s resources – US Senator
- Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic: Why has Zelensky purged the Ukrainian government?
- Russian drone destroyed US-made howitzer in Ukraine – MOD (VIDEO)
- Kursk standoff, Donbass push and deadly rear strikes: The week in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
- Russia sanctions will stay… until US collapses – Medvedev
- Post-Soviet state bans webcam porn
- More private clinics refusing abortions – Russian Orthodox Church
- War in Ukraine must end ‘this fall’ – Zelensky
- Ukraine devises new plan to forcibly draft citizens
- Has this little country cracked the code of post-Soviet politics?
- RT editor-in-chief to sue BBC
- Shadow shake-up: Zelensky’s pointless purge of his ministers reveals Kiev’s despair
- Kremlin refuses to be drawn on Putin’s ‘endorsement’ of Harris
- Russia destroys US-made rocket launcher in Ukraine – MOD (VIDEO)
- Ukraine has run out of ‘combat pay’ for troops – top MP
- Moscow names similarity between Russia and North Korea
- French-made artillery destroyed in Russian territory – MOD (VIDEO)
- Kremlin promises to remove media restrictions when Ukraine conflict ends
- West questions Kiev’s rush to deploy F-16s after fatal crash – WSJ
- Kiev’s top general complains about raw recruits
- Kursk Gambit: How Ukraine’s ambitious attack has led it to the brink of military disaster
- Labor migrants should leave families at home – Medvedev
- EU state confirms citizens fighting for Russia
- US hides truth by pushing disinformation against Russia – Steven Seagal
- Ukrainian ‘aliens,’ Harris endorsement, Russia’s priorities: Key takeaways from Putin’s EEF address
- Ukrainian graft suspect appointed justice minister
- Ukrainian governments since 2014 illegitimate – Kremlin
- Russian MP outlines baby boom plan
- West has failed to defeat Russia – Putin
- Russian city to show embryos to abortion-seeking women – media
- Ukrainian Parliament approves new foreign minister
- Ukrainian leaders come across like ‘aliens’ – Putin
- Ukrainian Army facing collapse – Putin
- Putin backs Kamala Harris (VIDEO)
- Russia not to blame for diminishing role of dollar in trade – Putin
- Putin warns Ukraine over ‘terrorist attacks’ on nuclear plants
- Putin praises Saudi crown prince for ‘active role’ in historic prisoner swap with US involving Gershkovich
- Zelensky blames FM for lackluster arms donations – media
- Kremlin comments on Ukraine’s intent to ‘hold’ Russian territory
- Ukrainian MP critical of military survives ouster vote
- Russia destroys Ukrainian mobile radar station – MOD (VIDEO)
- Kursk kamikaze: The price of Ukraine’s foolish attack is becoming clearer by the day
- Americans know Russia’s red lines – Lavrov
- Ukrainian troops torture Russian soldier (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
- Russia warns NATO about response to ‘terrorism’
- Putin calls for removal of trade hurdles with key Balkan nation
- US-made multiple rocket launchers destroyed in Ukraine – MOD (VIDEO)
- Civilians killed in Ukrainian strike on Donetsk – governor
- Russia provides details of strike on Ukrainian military training center
- Zelensky vows to ‘hold’ occupied Russian territory
- Ukraine suspends drone chief accused of Russia ties
- Ukraine’s FM to quit – media
- Zelensky purges Ukrainian ministers
- Russia strikes Poltava signal corps academy – Ukraine
- Czech-made Vampire destroyed in Ukraine – MOD (VIDEO)
- Legendary Russian submarine designer dies
- Kiev to change ‘Russian’ name of coins
- Asian nation told ICC to get lost with Putin warrant – Medvedev
- Moscow warns the US about long-range strikes
- Honor guard greets Vladimir Putin in Mongolia (VIDEO)
- Ukraine threatens Mongolia over Putin visit
- Soros-bankrolled group tells Asian state to arrest Putin
- Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft
- US-made HIMARS systems destroyed in Ukraine – MOD (VIDEO)
- Mass attack carried out on energy facilities in Ukraine – Russian MOD
- Putin warns students about vapes
- Ukraine destroys kindergarten – Belgorod governor
- Ukraine’s Kursk gambit failed — Putin
- Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine
- Putin names ‘main reason’ for Ukraine conflict
- West brands all inconvenient facts as ‘Kremlin propaganda’ – Putin
- Russia says relations with US at all-time low
The Economist
- Mario druthers: Draghi’s plan for Europe
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- Beyond the bullets: we go to Ukraine
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Foreign Policy
- Israel Strikes Humanitarian Zone in Gaza
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- The Complicated Legacy of Biden’s Climate Legislation
- Why the World Should Stop Worrying About a Second Trump Term
- How Foreign Intervention Failed Mali
- If Harris Believes in International Law, She Needs to Show It
- How Washington Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Protectionism
- China and the Taliban Team Up on Copper
- Harris Needs a Balkans Policy—Quickly
- NATO Frontline States Need an Air Defense Shield Now
- Airstrikes in Syria Kill at Least 18 People
- Why Blocking Nippon Steel’s Purchase of U.S. Steel Is a Mistake
- Indonesia’s Democracy Still Looks Unsteady
- IR Faculty Weigh In on Campus Protests
- The Most Important Factor in Presidential Debates
- Introducing Foreign Policy’s Fall 2024 Issue
- Invest in Soft Power
- Strategic Autonomy Is Nothing To Fear
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- Clean Energy Is Security
- The Trans-Atlantic Partnership Still Matters
- Play by the Rules
- Isolationism Doesn’t Protect
- How to Restore the American Center
- Is 2024 Really the Most Important Election in History?
- Letters to the Next President
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- Inside the Battle for the Arctic
- Israel’s Military Pulls Out of Jenin
- Politics Is TikTok’s Newest Dance Move
- What in the World?
- Russia Is No Conservative Haven
- The Many Faces of Abiy Ahmed
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- U.S. Strategy Should Be Europe First, Then Asia
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- Why Brazil’s Supreme Court Took On Elon Musk
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- Elon Musk vs. (Parts of) the World
- The White House’s Puzzling Optimism Over Prospects for Gaza Cease-Fire Deal
- The White House’s Puzzling Optimism Over Prospects for Gaza Cease-Fire Deal
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- In International Politics, Be Careful What You Wish for
- Islamist Extremists Are a Threat to Ghana, Togo, and Benin
- Why America Should Drop Its Obsession With Being No. 1
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- Russia Hits Military Institute and Nearby Hospital in Missile Attack
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- Why Hezbollah Is Rich and Lebanon Is Poor
- Russia’s Burevestnik Is No Wonder Weapon
- It’s Congress, Stupid
- The Increasingly Front-Line Role of Ukrainian Women
- Why the EU Should Never Be a Military Actor
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- A Way Forward in the Israeli Hostage Crisis
- Why Is the West’s EV Industry So Far Behind China’s?
- How the Hundred Years’ War Explains Ukraine’s Invasion of Russia
- Roosevelt, Yalta, and the Origins of the Cold War
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- History Shows: Giving Land to Russia Won’t Bring Peace
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- What in the World?
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- Does Harris Have a Foreign Policy?
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- America Is More Desperate for a Cease-Fire Than Israel and Hamas
- If SUVs Were a Country
- To End Sudan’s War, Pressure the UAE
- Israel Launches Massive West Bank Raid
- Doctor’s Killing Galvanizes Protest in India
- Inside the White House Effort to Prevent a Coup in Guatemala
- Can NATO Ice Out China and Russia in the Arctic?
- The Murky Meaning of Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive
- Libya Power Struggle Spikes Oil Prices
- Sullivan Heads to Beijing for High-Level U.S.-China Talks
- What to Expect From Jake Sullivan’s China Visit
- The Geopolitical Fallout of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov’s Arrest
- How the Russian Establishment Really Sees the War Ending
- Congress Demands Sullivan Testify on Afghanistan Withdrawal
- Trump 2.0 Would Face a New World
- Washington and Beijing Don’t Understand Each Other’s Fentanyl Positions
- Washington and Beijing Don’t Understand Each Other’s Fentanyl Positions
- Documentary ‘Russians at War’ Sparks Protest, Heated Debate in Toronto - Hollywood Reporter
- Iran Gives Russia Short-Range Missiles, While U.S., Partners Expect to Keep Bolstering Ukr - Department of Defense
- Jury weighs Russia conspiracy case against St. Petersburg Uhurus - Tampa Bay Times
- What does Iran get for sending ballistic missiles to Russia? - Atlantic Council
- Pentagon calls Iran's supplying of short-range ballistic missiles to Russia 'deeply concerning' - Fox News
- Iran rejects reports of weapons transfers to Russia as 'propaganda' - Reuters
- Ukraine uses ‘dragon drones’ to spew fiery substance on Russia’s frontlines - NBC News
- Italy says Russia or China could gain influence in Western Balkans if EU dream fails - Yahoo! Voices
- Russia Just Got 200 Ballistic Missiles From Iran. It's An Escalation. - Forbes
- Iran sending Russia batch of close-range missiles, Pentagon says - Defense News
- Joe Biden poised to lift ban on firing British Storm Shadow missiles into Russia - The Telegraph
- Russia's birth rate slides to lowest in quarter century in 2024 - Reuters
- Ukraine launches largest drone attack yet on Moscow, killing 1, Russia says - The Washington Post
- Russian disinformation is now burrowing into legitimate U.S. media - Axios
- Ukraine Fires Deadly Drone Barrage at Russia, Taking War Closer to Moscow - The New York Times
- Russia to spend over half a billion dollars to bolster internet censorship system - Reuters
- U.S. says Iran is sending ballistic missiles to Russia in a 'dramatic escalation' - NBC News
- Ballistic missiles to Russia: US, Europe sanction Iran - DW (English)
- Russia-Ukraine war updates: US says Iran sent ballistic missiles to Russia - Al Jazeera English
- Blinken says Russia has received new ballistic missiles from Iran - The Guardian
- "Dragon drones" are spitting fire in the Russia-Ukraine war - Axios
- Russia Got Missiles From Iran That Could Give It Flexibility, US Warns - Business Insider
- US imposes new sanctions on Iran’s main airline over Tehran supplying missiles to Russia - CNN
- ICC promises no impunity for Russia after Ukraine attacks - BBC.com
- Taliban Wants To Build Afghanistan’s Air Defenses With Russia’s Help - Forbes
- EU weighs 'strong' response to Iran's missile deliveries to Russia - Euronews
- Russia launches massive naval drills with China - Defense News
- US says Russia helping China develop military technologies - Financial Times
- Russia had one of the world’s highest life expectancy gender gaps. Then Putin sent hundreds of thousands of men to war. - Meduza
- France, Germany, UK sanction Iran for supplying missiles to Russia - POLITICO Europe
- EU vows 'strong response' to Iran missile transfer to Russia - Reuters
- White House says will sanction Iran and Russian targets - Reuters.com
- Is Russia trying to influence the US election? - DW (English)
- Is Russia trying to influence the US election? - DW (English)
- Russia is close to signing new bilateral treaty with Iran, Shoigu says - Yahoo! Voices
- Russia is close to signing new bilateral treaty with Iran, Shoigu says - Reuters
- Russia's birth rate drops to its lowest in 25 years, data shows - Euronews
- US Formally Accuses Iran of Supplying Russia With Missiles - Newsweek
- Russia begins massive naval drills together with China - The Associated Press
- France, Germany, UK condemn Iran over ballistic missiles, target new sanctions - Reuters
- China is providing ‘very substantial’ military support to Russia, US official says - EURACTIV
- US accuses China of giving ‘very substantial’ help to Russia’s war machine - POLITICO Europe
- U.S. Accuses Iran of Sending Ballistic Missiles to Russia - The Moscow Times
- Blinken confirms Iran supplying Russia with short-range ballistic missiles - Fox News
- Hvaldimir: Russian 'spy whale' was not shot, say police - BBC.com
- France, Germany and UK slap sanctions on Iran over missiles for Russia - FRANCE 24 English
- UK announces new sanctions under Iran, Russia laws - Reuters UK
- Russia begins massive naval drills together with China - ABC News
- After ‘dancing with the devil’ Unilever may be about to exit Russia - MarketWatch
- After ‘dancing with the devil’ Unilever may be about to exit Russia - MarketWatch
- Ukraine strikes Moscow in biggest drone attack to date - CNN
- U.S., Vowing Sanctions, Accuses Iran of Sending Missiles to Russia - The New York Times
- Blinken says Russia received missiles from Iran, warns of threat to European security - Reuters
- Iran will face new sanctions for supplying missiles to Russia, Blinken says - CNN
- Blinken: Iran sending ballistic missiles to Russia - POLITICO Europe
- 'A threat to all of Europe': Iran is supplying Russia with ballistic missiles, says US secretary of state - Sky News
- 'A threat to all of Europe': Iran is supplying Russia with ballistic missiles, says US secretary of state - Sky News
- Russia has received ballistic missiles from Iran and ‘will likely use them within weeks’ in Ukraine, US warns – Europe live - The Guardian
- One killed near Moscow as more than 140 Ukrainian drones target Russia - Al Jazeera English
- Putin demands Russian fighter jets escort him to Turkey - Middle East Eye
- Russia's Kirov-Class Battlecruiser Is Headed Into 'Uncharted Waters' - The National Interest Online
- US confirms Russia received ballistic missiles from Iran - Al-Monitor
- Russian Far-Right Group Claims to ‘Reinforce’ Finnish Border With FSB Guards - The Moscow Times
- Antony Blinken Says Russia Has Received Ballistic Missiles From Iran - Bloomberg
- With Ukrainian troops deep inside Russia, Belarus dictator Lukashenko sees direct threat to his regime - Kyiv Independent
- Russia, China join forces for major naval exercise - FRANCE 24 English
- Scholz names condition for Russia's participation in next Peace Summit - Ukrainska Pravda
- Opinion | How to stop rogue states like Russia from interfering in our politics - The Washington Post
- White House Responds to Russia-China Military Challenge to US - Newsweek
- Ukraine mounts massive Russia attack - Semafor
- Ukraine’s fire-dropping drones can find, shock Russian troops: experts - Defense News
- Netherlands Greenlights Kyiv to Hit Russia, Calls for All to Lift Weapon Restrictions - Kyiv Post
- Russian military behind EU and Nato cyber-attacks, says Germany - BBC.com
- What to Make of Russian Drones in NATO Airspace - The Moscow Times
- Map Shows Half of Russia, Iran in Range of Ukraine's New Battle Drones - Newsweek
- Video Shows Russian Northern Fleet Drills in Arctic Circle - Newsweek
- Ukraine targets Moscow in biggest drone attack yet - Reuters
- Russia is speeding into a demographic crisis with a 25-year-low birth rate as the Ukraine war rages on - Fortune
- China Joins Russia for Series of Military Maneuvers - Newsweek
- Oil Price Rout Drives Russian Revenues to Seven-Month Low - Bloomberg
- Top Russian official reports swift advance in Ukraine, rules out talks for now - Reuters
- In Ukraine, some are sceptical of Zelenskyy’s shake-up as Russia advances - Al Jazeera English
- Russia Loses 1,380 Troops, 50 Artillery Pieces in One Day: Kyiv - Newsweek
- Scores of Ukrainian drones target Moscow and surrounding areas, officials say - NBC News
- Norway's spy chief sees Russia more likely to attempt sabotage - Reuters
- At least one killed in Ukraine drone attacks on Russia - BBC.com
- Russia teams up with China at start of big naval drills - Reuters.com
- Barrage of Drones Targets Moscow, Russian Border Regions - The Wall Street Journal
- Ukrainian drone strike kills woman near Moscow, Russia says - Yahoo! Voices
- Russians Bemoan Kyiv's New Thermite-Firing 'Dragon Drones': 'Headache' - Newsweek
- Drone attacks set residential buildings on fire in the Moscow region - NBC News
- Russia, China Kick Off ‘Ocean 2024’ Joint Naval Exercises - The Moscow Times
- Ukraine launches 144 drones in attack over Russia, Moscow says - ABC News
- Massive Attack on Russia Sees Over 140 Ukrainian Drones Strike Nine Regions - Newsweek
- Ukrainian Drones Threaten Moscow And Its Airports As Russian Drones Target Kyiv - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
- China, Russia to conduct joint naval and air drills this month - Al Jazeera English
- Ukraine war: Russian invaders close in on Pokrovsk - BBC.com
- Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 928 - Al Jazeera English
- Russia’s Espionage War in the Arctic - The New Yorker
- Russia’s First Secret Influence Campaign: Convincing the U.S. to Buy Alaska - POLITICO
Vladimir Putin
- GOP Pollster Says How Harris Handles Trump Will Prove She Can Deal With Putin: He’s a ‘Stand-In For An Autocrat’ - Mediaite
- On Cam: Putin Hints At Direct NATO Attack Amid Largest Navy Drill In 30 Years, Tells Russia Army To… - Hindustan Times
- The longer Ukraine holds positions in Kursk Oblast, the weaker Putin becomes – UK Defence Secretary - Ukrainska Pravda
- Russia in Africa: Building influence with war ‘tours’ and graffiti - BBC.com
- Putin Slams United States for ‘Provoking’ Arms Race - The Moscow Times
- Putin Won't Be Watching Trump-Harris Debate: Kremlin - Newsweek
- Putin Will Not Be Happy About The Dramatic Change In Russia's Birth Rate - HuffPost UK
- Putin Will Not Be Happy About The Dramatic Change In Russia's Birth Rate - HuffPost UK
- ICC prosecutor Khan on Putin arrest warrant: Results will come, though it's not easy - Ukrainska Pravda
- Kostin on refusal to arrest Putin: Mongolia must feel consequences - Ukrinform
- Kostin on refusal to arrest Putin: Mongolia must feel consequences - Ukrinform
- Putin is caught like a rabbit in the headlights - New Eastern Europe
- Club Putin, &c. - National Review
- Vladimir Putin coup fears as loyalists turn on Kremlin 'traitors' amid chaos - Irish Star
- Putin said he won't attack Ukraine's energy sector, but that was before Ukraine's Kursk offensive – Russian Security Council Secretary - Ukrainska Pravda
- Is Putin still on Team Trump? The answer isn't as clear cut anymore - The Economic Times
- 'Traitors in the Kremlin' - Vladimir Putin humiliated as loyalists turn on him over chaos - Express
- Russia Ukraine war live: Putin’s forces capture new village as Kyiv launches drone attack on Moscow - The Independent
- Putin Acknowledges Russia as a Bitcoin Mining Leader; 54,000 BTC Mined in 2023 – Mining Bitcoin News - Bitcoin.com News
- Freed Kremlin opponent urges against 'face-saving exit' from Ukraine for Putin - The Japan Times
- Putin’s ‘Troll Farm’ Isn't Necessary. We’ve Got Our Own. - Bloomberg
- Onward Putin Soldiers - Center for European Policy Analysis
- Vladimir Putin 'almost' used nukes in Ukraine as intelligence chiefs warn of 'threat to world order' - MSN
- Kursk Evacuees Say Still Awaiting $100 Payment Promised By Putin - The Moscow Times
- Let’s Be Clear: Putin Is Again Trying to Put Trump in the White House - Mother Jones
- 'Should I be upset?: Trump 'very offended' over Putin's endorsement of Kamala Harris - The Times of India
- 'Should i be upset?: Trump 'very offended' over Putin's endorsement of Kamala Harris - The Times of India
- Kremlin opponent Kara-Murza urges against 'face-saving exit' for Putin in Ukraine war - Yahoo! Voices
- Western sanctions won't make Russians rise against Putin — Inozemtsev - Euronews
- Cracking the Putin Regime - Kyiv Post
- Kremlin opponent Kara-Murza urges against 'face-saving exit' for Putin in Ukraine war: AFP - Yahoo! Voices
- Kremlin Opponent Kara-Murza Urges Against 'Face-saving Exit' For Putin In Ukraine War: AFP - Barron's
- Kyiv Directly Targets Russia’s Lifeline Amid ‘Failing’ Kursk Incursion; Bid To Stall Putin’s War? - Hindustan Times
- Putin endorses Harris, but Russian propaganda pushes Trump – what's going on? - Kyiv Independent
- Why Xi secretly hates and fears Russia – and may be about to betray Putin - The Independent
- Ranting Putin ally predicts US will collapse in 'imminent new civil war' amid election chaos - Daily Mail
- Russia Has 'Depleted' Soviet-Era Energy Reserves, Putin Ally Admits - Newsweek
- Russian TV Mocks Donald Trump's Reaction to Putin Comment: 'Oh, Sweetie!' - Newsweek
- Putin is not currently interested in Western media interviews, Kremlin says - Yahoo! Voices
- Putin is not currently interested in Western media interviews, Kremlin says - Reuters
- Kremlin, on report of missile supplies from Iran, says Tehran is its partner - Reuters.com
- The plot to topple Putin - Business Insider
- Xi and Putin send greetings to Kim Jong Un on North Korea's founding anniversary - NBC News
- Ukraine war latest: Russian drones breach Romanian and Latvian airspace - as Putin captures key town - Sky News
- Russian Pro-War Blogger Slams Putin: 'Traitors Are Sitting in the Kremlin' - Newsweek
- Vladimir Putin 'almost' used nukes in Ukraine as intelligence chiefs warn of 'threat to world order' - Irish Star
- After Trump, Putin Aide's Deadly Prediction On USA 'Collapse': Sanctions Backfire? | Ukraine, Russia - Hindustan Times
- Russian Drones Spot 30 Foreign Mercenaries In Sumy, Putin's Men Blow Them Up With Missiles | Watch - The Times of India
- Russia Ukraine war latest: Russian drones breach Nato airspace as Putin’s forces close in on Pokrovsk - The Independent
- Trump 'offended' by Putin's 'endorsement' of Harris. - Kyiv Independent
- Russian Voting Concludes With Putin Allies Poised To Win - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
- Trump Upset With Putin For Endorsing Harris; 'I Knew Him Well...Don't Know Why...' | U.S. Election - The Times of India
- Vladimir Putin's secret sons - The Week
- Russia Offsets Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive – OpEd - Eurasia Review
- Putin loyalists set to win local elections in war-affected Russian regions - Reuters
- More countries are openly flaunting their ties with Putin. They say it's just business. - Business Insider
- China’s Xi, Russia's Putin send greetings to North Korea's Kim Jong Un, KCNA says - Yahoo! Voices
- China’s Xi, Russia's Putin send greetings to North Korea's Kim Jong Un, KCNA says - Reuters
- Putin claims Ukraine's Kursk incursion failed to make Russia 'nervous,' transfer troops from Donbas - Kyiv Independent
- Trump takes offense to Putin's alleged endorsement of Harris - Yahoo! Voices
- Now Trump Has Decided He Is 'Very Offended' By Putin's Endorsement Of Kamala Harris - HuffPost
- Now Trump Has Decided He Is 'Very Offended' By Putin's Endorsement Of Kamala Harris - HuffPost
- Trump’s real Project 2025 was written for him in Moscow by Vladimir Putin’s men - The Philadelphia Inquirer
- Ukraine war latest: Russia captures key town as troops advance on Pokrovsk; Romania and Latvia investigating airspace breach - Sky News
- ‘Deeply irresponsible’ Putin came close to unleashing nukes in Ukraine, MI6 reveals - Express
- 'Stop the war! It is madness' Putin facing Kremlin revolt as Ukraine war plan failing - Express
- CIA boss says west should not be intimidated by Russia’s nuclear threats - The Guardian
- Putin Pals Say Accused MAGA Media Stars Should Come to Russia for Protection - The Daily Beast
- Ukraine war briefing: Putin dismisses Kursk incursion and says eastern Donbas region is main war aim - The Guardian
- Orbán says ‘it’s necessary’ for Zelenskyy and Putin to meet to end Ukraine war - POLITICO Europe
- Who is Margarita Simonyan, RT's editor-in-chief sanctioned by US? - BBC.com
- Teasing Putin says Russia backs Kamala Harris, cites her 'infectious' laugh - Reuters
- ‘Russia backs Kamala Harris’: Putin’s history of US election ‘endorsements’ - Al Jazeera English
- Why Trump and Putin Now Need Each Other — Desperately - The Daily Beast
- After losing a chunk of Russian territory to Ukraine, Putin said it wasn't that important anyway - Business Insider
- Kremlin says people must judge for themselves if Putin really wants Kamala Harris to win - Reuters
- Putin Issues Nuclear Power Plant Strike Warning: 'One Can Only Imagine' - Newsweek
- White House Hits Back at Putin's Comments About Kamala Harris - Newsweek
- The Putin Propaganda Chief Who the U.S. Says Is Now After American Minds - The Wall Street Journal
- Ukraine Picks at Putin's Weak Spot With Refinery Attacks - Newsweek
- Putin ‘wins’ in eastern Germany - POLITICO Europe
- Russians mock US election allegations as Putin teasingly says he supports Harris - The Associated Press
- Putin cites Harris’s ‘infectious laugh’ in mocking endorsement for president - The Independent
- Analysis: Vladimir Putin trolls US presidential race with ‘endorsement’ of Kamala Harris - CNN
- US election: Putin claims to prefer Harris over Trump - DW (English)
- Donald Trump jabs back after Vladimir Putin jokingly backs Kamala Harris - USA TODAY
- Does Putin prefer Kamala Harris or Donald Trump as U.S. president? - CBS News
- Democrat dismisses Putin’s ‘support’ for Harris: ‘Classic doublespeak’ - The Hill
- Putin appeared to suggest jokingly he would support Harris in the upcoming US election - The Associated Press
- Ukraine updates: Putin says Russia ready for talks with Kyiv - DW (English)
- Putin backs Harris for US president, with wry smile - Yahoo! Voices
- Putin quips that he ‘supports’ Harris, citing ‘infectious’ laugh - The Hill
- Despite Ukraine’s Incursion, Putin Says He’s Willing to Talk Peace - The Wall Street Journal
- Putin says he wants Harris to win 2024 election - Axios
- Putin says China, Brazil or India could act as intermediaries in Ukraine peace talks - POLITICO Europe
- Putin claims support for Kamala Harris, jokes about "infectious laugh" - Newsweek
- China, India and Brazil could mediate Russia-Ukraine talks, Russia's Putin says - Reuters.com
- Putin to discuss gas supply contract with Serbian deputy PM - Reuters.com
- Putin Visits Mongolia in Defiance of ICC Arrest Warrant - TIME
- Putin Will Never Give Up in Ukraine - Foreign Affairs Magazine
- Vladimir Putin coup fears as loyalists turn on Kremlin 'traitors' amid chaos - MSN
- Putin Targets Africa for Greater Influence After Prigozhin’s Fall - MSN
- Vladimir Putin coup fears as loyalists turn on Kremlin 'traitors' amid chaos - MSN
- Q & A: Lessons Learned from Investigating the Wagner Group in Africa - Global Investigative Journalism Network
- War ‘tour’, football and graffiti: How Russia is trying to influence Africa - Yahoo News Canada
- EU to remove ex-Formula 1 racer, Prigozhin's mother from Russia sanctions list, RFE/RL reports - Kyiv Independent
- EU To Lift Sanctions On Russians Mazepin, Mother Of Late Wagner Leader, Sources Say - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
- Ukraine war latest: Europe could face Second World War-scale security crisis this year, experts warn; UK to send hundreds of missiles to Ukraine - Sky News
- Why Ukraine Invaded Russia - Foreign Policy In Focus
- Vladimir Putin won't 'whack' Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin - but he's in Russia, says Belarus leader - Yahoo News UK
- Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin builds on Wagner’s propaganda legacy - Africa Confidential
- Putin Admits Prigozhin Was Right With Wild New Purge - Yahoo News Australia
- [Column] Why Ukraine invaded Russia - The Hankyoreh
- What happened to the Russian group Wagner after Prigozhin's death - Vijesti.me
- Russian Mercenaries Pulled Out of Burkina Faso to Defend Kursk – Commander - The Moscow Times
- Russian mercenaries pulled out of Burkina Faso to defend Kursk: commander - Woburn Daily Times
- Russian mercenaries pulled out of Burkina Faso to defend Kursk: commander - News- Graphic
- Russian mercenaries pulled out of Burkina Faso to defend Kursk: commander - SF Weekly
- Russian mercenaries pulled out of Burkina Faso to defend Kursk: commander - Crow River Media
- Former Wagner Group soldier details front line horrors from Ukraine, as private army says it's no longer fighting there - ABC News
- Former Wagner soldier details horrors of Putin's 'meat grinder' as group pulls out of Ukraine - ABC News
- One-legged Russian sex attacker who was freed to fight in Putin's war before returning home and raping girl, 1 - Daily Mail
- Russia: Who’s who in the ex-Wagner Africa Corps - The Africa Report
- Russians hail Wagner chief Prigozhin as patriot on anniversary of his death - The Business Standard
- Memorial held in Russia a year after Yevgeny Prigozhin's death - Yahoo News Australia
- Wagner Group greatly reduced 1 year after Prigozhin's death, UK Defense Ministry reports - Kyiv Independent
- One year after Prigozhin’s death, the Kremlin is humiliated once more - POLITICO Europe
- Video. Memorial held in Russia a year after Yevgeny Prigozhin's death - Euronews
- Putin builds on Prigozhin's foundations in Africa - Le Monde
- Russia: one year after Yevgeny Prigozhin's death, the shadow of the Wagner propaganda system still looms large - Reporters sans frontières
- US Announces New Sanctions against Prigozhin's Allies - OCCRP
- Q&A: The Wagner Group’s new life after the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin - ACLED
- The chilling rise and fall of Wagner Group warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin - Financial Times
- Yevgeny Prigozhin | OCCRP - OCCRP
- Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin reportedly killed in plane crash in Russia - Africanews English
- The Wagner Group and Russia in Africa one year after Prigozhin’s death - Brookings Institution
- Prigozhin's Statue Defaced in Russia - MSN
- Prigozhin's Statue Defaced in Russia - Newsweek
- Lord Purvis reviews 'Downfall: Prigozhin, Putin, and the new fight for the future of Russia' - PoliticsHome
- Every man for himself. Former Wagner Group mercenaries recall their march on Moscow one year on - Новая газета. Европа
- One year after Prigozhin’s mutiny, the Wagner Group’s tactical legacy still influences the battlefield in Ukraine - Meduza
- The myth and memory of Yevgeny Prigozhin - The Spectator
- Can the Wagner Group Be Prosecuted Post-Prigozhin? - New America
- A year ago, Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin challenged the Kremlin with a mutiny - Yahoo! Voices
- Wagner uprising: A year after mutiny, Russia controls group's remnants - BBC.com
- One Year After Wagner Uprising, Putin More Powerful Than Ever - The Moscow Times
- A year ago, Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin challenged the Kremlin with a mutiny - The Associated Press
- A year ago, Wagner chief Prigozhin's mutiny briefly threatened Putin - Euronews
- Putin’s power and Prigozhin’s consequence in the Kremlin’s court - Diplomatic Courier
- Why Russian Twitter Thinks Prigozhin Just Came Back From the Dead - The Daily Beast
- New investigation shows that Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner Group lost almost 20,000 men in the battle for Bakhmut (and paid their families more than a billion dollars in compensation) - Meduza
- Yevgeny Prigozhin, the thug lord who could topple Putin from the grave - The Times
- The hot-dog seller who became a crazed warlord – and nearly overthrew Putin - The Telegraph
- Statue of Wagner co-founder Prigozhin unveiled at his gravesite - Al Jazeera English
- Russian Mercenary Prigozhin’s Statue Unveiled at His Grave - The Moscow Times
- Rosenberg: Russian President Putin's military purge echoes Prigozhin's call to act - BBC.com
- New Russian defence minister was close to late Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin - Ukrainska Pravda
- Yevgeny Prigozhin Finally Gets His Revenge From Beyond the Grave - The Daily Beast
- Thousands of former Wagner fighters are now answering to Moscow - POLITICO
- Wagner Group Post-Prigozhin: New Name, Business as Usual - Geopoliticalmonitor.com
- Its leader is dead, but Wagner Group is thriving in Africa - The Australian Financial Review
- Exclusive | Prigozhin Is Dead, but His Troll Farms Are Alive and Peddling Disinformation - The Wall Street Journal
- Viral photos do not show Yevgeny Prigozhin on a train this year - Full Fact
- Fact Check: Does Viral Photo Show Putin's Rival Prigozhin Alive on Train? - Newsweek
- Fact Check: Was "Yevgeny Prigozhin" killed in Ukraine? - Newsweek
- After Prigozhin: The Anatomy of Russia’s Evolving Private Military and Mercenary Industry - The Jamestown Foundation
- After Prigozhin, Russia clamps down online - Atlantic Council
- Poisoning, accidents, exile: Alexey Navalny to Yevgeny Prigozhin - unexplained deaths of Russian President Putin critics | Today News - Mint
- Alexei Navalny To Yevgeny Prigozhin, Here's A List Of Putin Critics Who Died Mysteriously - NDTV
- Wagner Group is now Africa Corps. What this means for Russia’s operations on the continent - The Conversation
- Wagner Commander Reveals Mercenary Group's New Role for Russia - Newsweek
- 2023's least shocking death: The beginning of the end for Yevgeny Prigozhin - Business Insider
- Vladimir Putin ordered this man to kill Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin: Report - Hindustan Times
- Russia dismisses Wall Street Journal's 'pulp fiction' after Prigozhin death report - Reuters
- How Putin’s Right-Hand Man Took Out Prigozhin - The Wall Street Journal
- Jailed Russian nationalist Igor Girkin fears being eliminated like Wagner’s Prigozhin - POLITICO Europe
- Russians Aren't Buying Putin's Explanation for Prigozhin's Death - Newsweek
- Wagner Group hiring again, led by Prigozhin's son, Russian media says - Business Insider
- The new Wagner? Russian mercenary group recruits Prigozhin’s ex-fighters - POLITICO Europe
- The Wagner Group Evolves After the Death of Prigozhin - The Jamestown Foundation
- Prigozhin Allies Warn Putin Makes Things 'Worse,' Float New March on Moscow - Newsweek
- Cocaine and grenades? Patriotic bloggers scorn Putin's Prigozhin plane crash theory - Reuters
- Putin says grenade fragments found in Yevgeny Prigozhin plane crash victims' bodies, cocaine in Wagner office - CBS News
- Putin says 'hand grenade fragments found in bodies of victims in Prigozhin plane crash' - Le Monde
- Grenade fragments were found in bodies in Prigozhin's plane crash, Putin claims - NPR
- Putin Suggests New Narrative for Prigozhin Plane Crash: Cocaine and Grenades - The New York Times
- Onboard grenade blast caused plane crash that killed Wagner boss, claims Putin - The Guardian
- Prigozhin's Son Takes over Wagner's Elite Unit Returning to Ukraine - Newsweek
- Mourners hail dead Russian mercenary Prigozhin as hero of the people - Reuters
- Post-Prigozhin Russia in Africa: Regaining or Losing Control? - CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies
- A “Prigozhin Prophylactic”: Making the U.S. Financial System Immune to Wagner-Style Dirty Money Operations - The FACT Coalition
- Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin is buried in private, ending his tumultuous journey - The Associated Press
- What the death of rival Prigozhin means for Putin and the war on Ukraine - University of Colorado Boulder
- Prigozhin's final months were overshadowed by questions about what the Kremlin had in store for him - The Associated Press
- Wagner chief Prigozhin confirmed dead by Russian authorities after genetic tests - CNN
- Why Yevgeny Prigozhin Had to Die - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Putin says Prigozhin was ‘talented man’ who ‘made serious mistakes’ in first comments since plane crash - CNN
- Yevgeny Prigozhin crossed Putin's red lines with Wagner revolt - Reuters
- Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin challenged the Kremlin in a brief mutiny - The Associated Press
- Prigozhin's Uprising - CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Grupo Wagner
- Former Wagner fighter sentenced to 19 years in prison for murdering his pregnant girlfriend - Новая газета. Европа
- Ghana government official links Wagner to buying country’s smuggled cocoa - Ghana Business News
- Another Ex-Con And Former Wagner Mercenary Sentenced For Murder - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
- Top U.S. General Meets With Alleged War Criminal in Libya - The Intercept
- Martin Barnay, Regional Interests — Sidecar - New Left Review
- This Nigerian journalist has covered the Wagner Group in Africa for years. Here’s what he’s learnt - Reuters Institute
- Will Liberia Be the Wagner Group’s Next Victim? - American Enterprise Institute
- Will Liberia be the Wagner Group’s next victim? - Washington Examiner
- What the Future Holds for Russia in Africa - Stratfor Worldview
- Russia sends Africans to fight in Ukraine - defenceWeb
- Spotlight Central African Republic Wagner caught out playing ethnic alliances in CAR - Africa Intelligence
- Former Wagner member faces trial for brutal murder of pregnant partner - MSN
- Former Wagner fighter accused of brutal murder of pregnant girlfriend over broken speaker - Новая газета. Европа
- Former Wagner fighter accused of brutal murder of pregnant girlfriend over broken speaker - Новая газета. Европа
- Pro-Russia, pro-Wagner activity surges following Mali and Wagner forces’ defeat in battle - StopFake.org
- Russia’s Bloody Hand Across the Globe - Kyiv Post
- Russian Mercenaries Pulled Out of Burkina Faso to Defend Kursk: Commander - The Defense Post
- Wagner Group | Facts, Leader, Rebellion, & Russia-Ukraine War - Britannica
- OPINION: The Unintended Consequences of Surrogate Propaganda Hyperbolism - Kyiv Post
- OPINION: The Unintended Consequences of Surrogate Propaganda Hyperbolism - Kyiv Post
- Russian Mercenaries Return from Africa Amid Ukraine's Kursk Incursion - Oneindia
- Burkina Faso: Russia's Bear Brigade troops to leave for Ukraine war - BBC.com
- Burkina Faso: Russia's Bear Brigade troops to leave for Ukraine war - BBC.com
- Russian mercenaries pulled out of Burkina Faso to defend Kursk: commander - gtgazette.com
- After Wagner: Non-State Groups Fighting in Ukraine - WiredGov
- Two Wagner Group Members Charged with Terrorism and Espionage in Poland - MSN
- Man pleads guilty to Wagner Group membership claims - Counter Terror Business
- Algeria calls on UNSC to halt 'mercenary activities' in Mali - The New Arab
- Ukraine’s alleged support for Tuareg rebels fighting Wagner mercenaries further poisons Sahel conflict - EL PAÍS USA
- A Russian murder convict joined Wagner, went home, killed again, then got out a 2nd time by joining the army: rights group - Yahoo! Voices
- Russian Murder Convict Joins Wagner, Kills Again, Gets Out 2nd Time - Business Insider
- Members of the Wagner group to be tried in Poland: trial begins on September 9 - Українські Національні Новини
- 'Wagner Fighters Not In Ukraine': Russian Group Clarifies, Reveals Locations Of Its Operations - MSN
- 'Wagner Fighters Not In Ukraine': Russian Group Clarifies, Reveals Locations Of Its Operations - The Times of India
- Two Wagnerites to be tried in Krakow on espionage charges - Ukrainska Pravda
- Hertfordshire man admits Wagner Group claims - Counter Terror Business