- CSN propõe aquisição de 70% da Tora Transportes por R$ 742,5 milhões
- Após proibição de Moraes, Cremesp requer poder pedir prontuários
- Suplicy deixa carta a Lula após fazer exame no mesmo hospital
- Trump indica Andrew Ferguson para agência reguladora de comércio
- Alistamento militar feminino voluntário começa em 2025
- Incêndio em Malibu ameaça 20 mil pessoas e 8.100 prédios
- Novo governo Sírio busca apoio internacional para reconstrução
- TCU deve ter caráter educador e não punitivista, diz Vital do Rêgo
- Falha no app do Bradesco mostra saldo de R$1 para usuários
- Moraes proíbe Cremesp de pedir dados de pacientes que abortaram
- Justiça deixa Caiado inelegível e cassa prefeito eleito de Goiânia
- Leia novo boletim médico sobre saúde de Lula
- Lula permanece na UTI, com dreno, mas conversa bem, diz boletim
- Aplicativo Radar Ambiental registra 2.700 infrações em 3 meses
- Estádio do New York Red Bulls passa a se chamar Sports Illustrated Stadium
- 25 dos 35 indicadores climáticos atingiram níveis alarmantes, diz pesquisa
- Lazio apresenta projeto para renovar o Estádio Flaminio, em Roma
- SP isenta veículos híbridos e movidos a hidrogênio de IPVA até 2026
- Papai Noel é apedrejado em caravana da Coca Cola na Bahia
- Organização prevê chance de 55% de La Niña até fevereiro de 2025
- Opep reduz previsão de crescimento da demanda por petróleo
- Governo britânico critica atrasos no regulador independente do futebol
- 80% das marcas devem investir em esportes femininos, diz estudo
- NBA relança comercial de Natal com estrelas do basquete
- TCU não é só para punir, mas para melhorar gestão, diz Bruno Dantas
- Inflação anual dos EUA sobe para 2,7% em novembro
- Papai Noel de verde e amarelo gera polêmica em Balneário Camboriú
- Brasil cai 6 posições e é 46º em ranking de competitividade global
- Alimentícias são processadas por produtos ‘viciantes’ nos EUA
- Ao vivo: Vital do Rêgo toma posse como presidente do TCU
- Setor de serviços sobe 1,1% em outubro e atinge recorde
- Tesla planeja lançar robotáxi com suporte humano remoto em 2025
- Ao vivo: CCJ do Senado vota regulamentação da reforma tributária
- Conselho do Santos aprova orçamento com expectativa de superavit
- Conselho do Santos aprova orçamento com alta nas receitas
- Eslováquia negocia compra de aviões C-390 da Embraer
- Passageira morre em voo da Gol de Brasília para Miami
- Avaliação de Lula é negativa para 43,5% dos eleitores, diz Futura
- Rússia muda discurso e negocia manter bases militares na Síria
- Tóquio adota semana de trabalho de 4 dias para funcionários
- 52% aprovam e 47% desaprovam trabalho de Lula, diz Quaest
- Resolver guerra da Ucrânia será “prioridade”, diz Trump
- Campeonato Holandês fecha acordo de naming rights com a loteria nacional
- Norte de Gaza não recebe ajuda humanitária há 2 meses, diz ONU
- Irã diz que a queda de Assad foi planejada por EUA e Israel
- Campos Neto vota sobre juros pela última vez nesta 4ª feira
- PUC-Rio terá instituto de IA e graduação na área
- Ministro do STJ diz já ter sido eleito o “mais bonito” da Corte
- Campos Neto sairá com BC mais autônomo e legado em inovação
- Polícia sul-coreana faz buscas em gabinete de presidente
- Moraes suspende nomeação de irmão de governador do Maranhão
- Vinheta de programa de Datena no “SBT” tem cadeira voando
- Milei diz que buscará acordo de livre comércio com os EUA
- STF retoma nesta 4ª julgamento sobre regulação das redes
- Governo investirá R$ 24 mi para impulsionar turismo de estrangeiros
- Câmara aprova projeto que renegocia dívida dos Estados com o governo
- CUT faz atos pelo país contra anistia a Bolsonaro; veja imagens
- AGU publica parecer que autoriza pedalada nas emendas
- Bank of America prevê 2025 difícil nos mercados da América Latina
- Mulher de Camilo Santana deve assumir vaga no Tribunal de Contas do Ceará
- Câmara aprova lei que criminaliza troca de bagagem para tráfico
- Suspeito de matar CEO de empresa de saúde tinha dor crônica
- Câmara começa a definir relatores dos cortes após emendas
- Greves caem 20,5% no 1º semestre de 2024
- EUA anunciam transferência de US$ 20 bi de países do G7 para a Ucrânia
- Homem é preso ao tentar entrar com munição de pistola na Câmara
- EUA se dizem comprometidos com o antiterrorismo na Síria
- Debaixo de chuva, ato esvaziado pede prisão de Bolsonaro em SP
- Gleisi critica “terrorismo econômico” de Campos Neto
- Aneel estima R$ 40,6 bi em subsídios na conta de luz para 2025
- Senado aprova regulamentação da inteligência artificial; entenda
- Afastamento de Lula não prejudica corte de gastos, diz Lira
- Portaria da pedalada libera R$ 6,4 bilhões para emendas
- Cigás pede suspeição de juíza que protagonizou caso Amazonas Energia
- Lira volta a dizer que pacote de cortes não tem votos suficientes
- Lira volta a dizer que pacote de gastos não tem votos suficientes
- Líder do Governo diz que emendas já estão sendo liberadas
- Leia portaria da pedalada de Lula para pagar emendas ao Congresso
- Senado aprova Paten após retirada de emenda contra Petrobras
- 104 jornalistas foram mortos em 2024
- Copom deve aumentar taxa de juros em 1 p.p., diz Goldman Sachs
- Empresa brasileira lança IA que responde mensagem do WhatsApp em áudio
- Pimenta diz que Lula não deve se afastar da presidência por ora
- Macron anunciará novo primeiro-ministro até 5ª feira
- Médica da Marinha baleada em hospital no Rio morre após cirurgia
- Senado aprova indicados de Lula para o Banco Central
- Internado com pneumonia, Fuad Noman tem melhora
- Uso e exportação de carvão térmico batem recorde em 2024
- Lula estava abatido, mas me recebeu com sorriso no rosto, diz Pacheco
- CNJ autoriza retificação de certidões de óbito de vítimas da ditadura
- Empreendedores têm novo prazo para quitar dívidas do Simples Nacional
- CEO da Sabesp suspende descontos para hospitais e shoppings
- Falta prioridade ao mexer em BPC, e não na Rouanet, diz FPE
- Bancada ruralista anuncia apoio a Alcolumbre: “Simpático ao agro”
- Ao vivo: Lira fala a jornalistas sobre corte de gastos e Orçamento
- Rupert Murdoch perde disputa judicial para alterar sociedade familiar
- China realiza maior movimentação marítima em torno de Taiwan
- Aneel libera operação de linha de transmissão no Acre
- Impacto do pacote fiscal vai superar R$ 70 bi, diz nº 2 de Haddad
- Ao lado de Alckmin, premiê da Eslováquia elogia acordo UE-Mercosul
Sputnik News
- Ukraine's Attack With ATACMS Missiles on Russia's Taganrog Airfield Won't Go Unanswered - MoD
- Seizure of Frozen Russian Assets: Is EU Setting a Legal Trap for Euroclear?
- Putin Joins Plenary Session of Russia's AI Journey 2024 Conference
- US Trade Row With China Spills Over to Drones, Threatens More Fallout
- Find Out The Potential of Nuclear Weapons Carriers in Belarus
- Russian Forces Liberate Daryino and Plekhovo Villages in Kursk Region
- Damascus Resident Says People Not in Panic, Majority Not Leaving City
- Lebanese Foreign Ministry Condemns Israel's Seizure of Syrian Part of Golan Heights
- Putin, Orban Discuss Ukrainian Conflict During Phone Talks - Kremlin
- Anyone Claiming Stopping Russian Gas Flows to EU Isn’t Self-Destructive is Fool - Slovak MP
- Russian Foreign Ministry Condemns Ukraine's Attack on IAEA Car Heading to Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant
- Eurasian Economic Union, UAE Complete Talks on Economic Partnership
- Russian Scientists Discover How Appetite Hormone Regulates Biological Clock
- Israeli Delegation Arrives in Cairo to Discuss Gaza Ceasefire Deal - Egyptian Gov’t
- NATO Transfers Large Amounts of Armed Vehicles to Poland - Underground
- US Imports of Chinese Vehicles Hit All-Time of $2.9Bln High in January-October
- South Korean Police Conduct Searches in Presidential Office, Police HQs
- US Repels Houthi Attacks on Its Ships in Gulf of Aden
- West Uses Transition in Syria as 'Smoke Screen' to Establish Presence - Ex-UK Ambassador
- Biden Says Project 2025 Would be 'Disaster' for US, Region
- Acting Syrian Prime Minister Says Interim Government Formed, Will Operate Until Early 2025
- Israel Incursion in Syria Not a Protective Move, But Full-Blown Offensive – Middle East Expert
- Yemeni Houthis Carry Out Attacks on 2 US Destroyers, Supply Ships in Gulf of Aden
- Australia Inks Nauru Deal Amid Battle For Clout With China in Pacific
- French Jets Leave Chad After Demands of Withdrawal of French Military Contingent - Reports
- What to Know About Israeli PM Netanyahu’s Corruption Trial
- US Military Grounds V-22 Osprey Fleet Amid Safety Concerns
- Muhammad al-Bashir Authorized to Form Interim Government in Syria
- Why Has Fentanyl Become Tool For US to Shift Blame?
- Polish Defense Minister Refutes Possible NATO Troops Deployment in Ukraine as Speculations
- Syrian Crisis: Keeping You Updated
- Russian Forces Liberate Zheltoye Settlement in Donetsk Region
- West’s Escalation Attempts May Lead to Its Strategic Defeat – Russian Intelligence Chief
- Canada ‘Will Respond’ If Trump Slaps Tariffs on Canadian Goods – Reports
- Ukraine Repeatedly Refused to Take Ordinary Soldiers From Captivity
- South Korean Prime Minister Calls for Stabilization in Country
- Israeli Air Force Attacks Over 250 Military Targets in Syria Over Past 2 Days
- Russia Does Not Understand What Part of Golan Heights Israel Considers Its Own - Nebenzia
- Orban Says Spent Day at Mar-a-Lago With Trump, Musk, Waltz
- China-Russia Trade Up 2.1% Y/Y to $222.8Bln in January-November
- Media Mogul Murdoch Loses Bid to Amend Family Trust - Reports
- US Supplies Over 800 Patriot Interceptor Missiles Worth $3.26Bln to Ukraine Since 2022
- Tehran Calls on UN Security Council to Respond to Israeli Invasion of Syria - Statement
- What's Behind Israel's Land Grab in Golan?
- Netanyahu Says Golan Heights to Forever Remain Integral Part of Israel
- The Legacy of the Assad Family's Decades-Long Rule in Syria
- Syria’s Crisis: Key Interests of the US, Israel, Turkiye, Iran, and Russia
- Romanian Opposition Leader Calls On Allies to Create New United Political Bloc
- Putin Urges CSTO Nations to Counter Growing Bioweapon Threats
- Yemeni Houthis Say Their Drone Hit Important Target in Israeli City of Ashdod
- Russian Security Service Busts Ukrainian-Linked Criminal Scam Network
- How Fast Can the Russian Oreshnik Missile Reach Europe from Belarus?
- What Makes the Golan Heights Crucial for Israel?
- Russian Forces Strike Key Rail and Military Infrastructure Supplying Western Arms to Ukraine
- Russia Ensures Security of Military Bases in Syria Amid Ongoing Turmoil
- Romania Losing Sovereignty Over $200Bln of National Debt - Presidential Candidate
- Turkiye Outlines Three Policy Priorities on Syria – Reports
- South Korean Investigators Plan to Ban President From Leaving Country Amid Investigation
- Trump Says Developing Concept to End 'Ridiculous' Conflict in Ukraine
- Hamas Delegation in Cairo Discusses Ceasefire Effort in Gaza
- Russian Air Defense Systems Destroy 13 Ukrainian Drones Overnight - MoD
- Russia Not Eager to See NATO's 'Creeping Expansion' Into Asia - Deputy Foreign Minister
- Trump Says Will Not Seek Revenge Against Political Opponents
- IDF Entered Syrian Territory Beyond Golan Heights First Time in Over 50 Years - Reports
- Russian Scientists Develop New Energy Conservation Technique
- Russian-US Trade Hits 5-Month High in October
- US to Support Efforts to Hold Accountable Those Who Helped Assad - Blinken
- Biden Says Syria at Turning Point, But Current Situation Can Be Used for Better Future
- Why are Israel and the US Salivating Over Syria’s Break-Up?
- Syria's Assad Arrives in Moscow With His Family – Kremlin Source
- Trump's Energy Agenda: A ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Approach to Boost US Oil
- Fast and Furious: Unveiling Russia’s Fleet of MiG Fighter Jets
- It's Too Early to Say the Syria Crisis is Close to an End – Pundit
- Assad Resigns Amid Peace Efforts, Orders Peaceful Power Handover - Russian Foreign Ministry
- Russian Forces Liberate Blagodatnoye Settlement in Donetsk Region
- Trump Says Zelensky Wants to 'Make Deal' to End Ukraine Conflict
- Ruby Red Slippers From Wizard of Oz Auctioned for $32.5Mln
- South Korean Parliament Speaker Calls for Immediate Suspension of Presidential Powers
- Russian Air Defenses Shoot Down 46 Ukrainian Drones Overnight
- Total Aid For Ukraine Tops $119Bln Since February 2022 – Pentagon
- Participants in Syria Talks Call for Cessation of Hostilities in Country
- Over 1,000 EU Citizens Join Lawsuit Against EU President Over COVID-19 Vaccine Spending
- Syrian Prime Minister Ready to Cooperate With Any Government That Syrians Choose - Reports
- ATACMS Missiles, Strikes Deep Into Russia Not 'Silver Bullet' for Ukraine - White House
- Romanian Presidential Candidate Calls on Citizens to Protest Cancellation of 1st Round
- Musk Says US Should 'Stay Out' of Other Countries' Conflicts
- Syrian Army Fortifying Positions Outside Damascus
- Annulment of Romanian Presidential Election Results is De Facto Ban on Georgescu's Victory
- Iran Accuses Ukraine of Supplying Drones to Terrorists in Syria
- Russia Warns Against Geopolitical Use of Terrorists in Syria’s Conflict
- Watch Russian Heavy Flamethrower Obliterate Ukrainian Militants' Position Near Volnovakha
- Parliamentary Vote on South Korean President's Impeachment Fails
- Schrodinger’s Rings: Saturn to Lose Its Famous Feature Twice in 2025
- Belarus to Host Russia’s Oreshnik in Response to US Missiles in Germany
- Sergey Lavrov Speaks at Doha Forum on Global Cooperation
- German Chancellor Candidate Says AfD Wants Peace in Ukraine, End of Arms Supplies to Ukraine
- Russian Troops Liberate Berestki and Push Toward Kurakhovo
- Roger Waters Slams US Decisions on Ukraine, Calls NATO Expansion 'Dreadful'
- Syrian, Russian Forces Launch Massive Attacks on Terrorist Positions Near Homs and Hama
- Instead of Fighting Terrorism, UK Shifts 'Finite Capacity' to Counter Russia
The New York Times
- Who Is Mohammed al-Bashir, Syria’s New Prime Minister?
- Who Set the Stage for al-Assad’s Ouster? There Are Different Answers in the U.S. and Israel.
- Scholz Calls for Confidence Vote, in Step Toward German Elections
- Syria After al-Assad’s Overthrow: What’s Happening and What Comes Next
- Syria After al-Assad’s Overthrow: What’s Happening and What Comes Next
- Explosion Kills Minister in Highest-Profile Blast Since Taliban’s Return
- Syria Live Updates: U.S. Tries to Manage Fallout From al-Assad’s Ouster
- How Many People Have Died in Syria’s Civil War?
- Prince William’s Chat With Trump Shows Why Royals May Be Potent Diplomatic Tool
- In Aleppo, Rebels Give a Sense of What Is to Come for Syria
- Biden Administration Looks to Reinforce U.S.-China Ties Ahead of Trump’s Return
- The Gold Rush at the Heart of a Civil War
- Tangled and Troubling Legacy Pushes Romanians Further to the Right
- How ‘Her Story,’ a Feminist Comedy, Came to Rule China’s Box Office
- Wednesday Briefing
- A Ghastly Search for Loved Ones Who Disappeared in Syria
- Tangled and Troubling Legacy Pushes Romanians Further to the Right
- Houthi Attacks Continue to Disrupt Shipping Industry As Israel-Hamas War Rages On
- South Korean Police Raid President Yoon’s Office in Martial Law Probe
- North Korea Breaks Silence on South Korea’s Martial Law Declaration
- Trump Offers Confusing Clues on Syria
- ‘We Thought We Would Be Executed’: Freed Prisoner on Life Inside Sednaya
- A Northern Gaza Hospital Lacks Food and Water for Patients, Officials Say
- Syrian Rebels Vow Punishment for Atrocities Under Bashar al-Assad
- French Court Finds Author Charles Onana Guilty of Denying Rwandan Genocide
- Uncertainty and Hope on the Road to and from Damascus
- Wednesday Briefing: A Wave of Post-Assad Attacks
- A Tour of Assad’s Monumental Palace, With a Scruffy Rebel as a Guide
- Arrests Made in 2021 Crash That Killed Over 50 Migrants
- Cyclist Rohan Dennis Pleads Guilty in Death of Wife Melissa Hoskins, Fellow Olympian
- Monarch Butterflies Are Recommended for Protected Status in U.S.
- With Quick Vote and Little Fanfare, Saudi Arabia on Track to Get the 2034 World Cup
- Sednaya Prison in Syria: What to Know
- Trump Mocks Trudeau and Canada in Post on Tariffs and Trade
- Arctic Tundra Has Long Helped Cool Earth. Now, It’s Fueling Warming.
- Police Arrest 3 After Deadly Explosion in the Netherlands
- Lula, Brazil’s President, Is in ICU After Emergency Brain Surgery
- Protests in Kenya Demand Action Over a Spate of Brutal Murders of Women
- Live Updates: Israel Strikes Targets in Syria, Casting Attacks as Defensive
- Israel Strikes Military Assets Across Syria to Keep Them From Rebels
- South Korea Martial Law Fallout: What to Know on Yoon’s Future
- Netanyahu Finally Takes the Stand in His Corruption Trial
- On the Ground in Damascus as Syrians Chart a New Path
- South Korea’s Opposition Leader Determined to Oust President Yoon After Martial Law
- Prince William and Jacob Elordi Grow Beards
- In Georgia Protests, Echoes of Ukraine’s Past Revolutions
- Here’s How Much Cleaner Energy Could Save America, in Lives and Money
- Brazil’s President Lula Is in ICU After Emergency Brain Surgery
- Syrian Military Officials Charged With War Crimes as Government Falls
- Taiwan Says China Has Deployed Largest Fleet of Ships in Decades
- Australia Signs Security and Economic Treaty With Nauru
- Volcanic Eruption in the Philippines Forces Mass Evacuation
- What to Know About the Countries Still Fighting in Syria After al-Assad’s Ouster
- How the Rebels in Syria Captured Damascus
- How to Understand the Factions Vying for Control in Syria
- France’s Marine Le Pen Takes Aim at the Top
- The Netanyahu Corruption Trial, Explained
- Tuesday Briefing
- Syrians, in Shock and With Some Unease, Celebrate the Fall of al-Assad
- U.S. Scrambles to Navigate Perils of a New Syria
- Israel-Hamas Truce Talks Gain Steam, Officials Say
- Tuesday Briefing: Syrian Rebels Rush to Establish Order
- Crowds Go to Syria’s Sednaya Prison In Search of Loved Ones
- Displaced Syrians Return to their Homes After Rebel Takeover
- Syria’s President Had Stocks of Chemical Weapons. What Happens to Them Now?
- A Quick Arab Pivot: From Welcoming al-Assad to Managing the Chaos
- Crowds Throng to Syria’s Sednaya Prison to Find Relatives and Friends
- Explosion at Fuel Depot Near Florence Kills at Least Two
- France’s First Big #MeToo Case Goes to Trial
- Syrians in New York City Celebrate the Fall of Assad
- How Syria’s Rebels Took Damascus, Captured on Video
- Displaced Syrians Rush to Return Home
- Syria Live Updates: Rebels Who Toppled al-Assad Face Stark Challenges
- Israel Claims Credit for al-Assad’s Ouster, but Sees Risk in His Absence
- For residents of the Golan Heights, events in Syria offer relief and uncertainty.
- E.P.A. Bans Perc and T.C.E., Two Chemicals Used In Dry Cleaning
- Desperate Haitians Who Fled to the Dominican Republic Are Being Sent Back in Cages
- Ukraine Weighs Telegram Security Risks Amid War With Russia
- Road to Damascus Littered With Relics of Fallen Assad Government
- ‘We Came Here Gloating’: Syrians Loot Assad’s Palace
- Three-Quarters of Earth’s Land Got Drier in Recent Decades, U.N. Says
- South Korea Bars President From Traveling Abroad
- Monday Briefing
- Revolutions Swept the Middle East in 2011. Will Syria’s End Differently?
- Massacre in Haiti Ordered by Gang Leader Leaves Over 100 Dead, Rights Group Says
- Biden Weighs Approach to Rebels in Syria Amid Secret Message Exchange
- Trump Picks Former Ambassador to Mexico for Deputy Secretary of State
- Footage shows a chaotic scene after rebels capture a notorious prison.
- With Syria in Flux, Turkey Attacks U.S.-Backed Forces
- Stunned Iranian Officials Try to Distance Their Country From Assad
- Notre-Dame Holds First Public Mass in Years: ‘Fire Has Not Conquered Stone’
- Israeli Ground Forces Cross into Syria, Officials Say
- Monday Briefing: Al-Assad Flees Syria as Rebels Claim Power
- Syria’s Army Was Hollowing Out Long Before Rebels’ Advance
- The al-Assad Family’s Legacy Is One of Savage Oppression
- Syrians in Lebanon Start to Head Home, With Both Joy and Worry
- What’s Next for Syria After the Collapse of Assad’s Government?
- Bogged Down in Ukraine, Russia Pays a Price in Syria
- Bashar al-Assad of Syria Falls to Rebels
- Nations and Leaders React to Toppling of Syria Regime
The Hindu
- ILO report asks nations to uphold freedom of association at work
- Myanmar ethnic armed group claims control of border region
- Trump says solving Ukraine crisis his top priority
- Russia says Ukraine fired U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles at airfield, vows revenge
- Delhi HC notice to MEA, Indian Embassy in Qatar for consular access to incarcerated Indian citizen
- Explosion in Kabul kills Taliban Refugee Minister Khalil Haqqani
- At least 22 arrested, 150 booked for propagating against Pakistan Army on social media
- Ukraine hits Russian border regions, sets oil depot ablaze
- South Africa to use G20 Presidency to further push shared goals: Ronald Lamola
- Want all parties to resolve disagreements peacefully: United States on India-Bangladesh ties
- Man accused of killing UnitedHealthcare's CEO shouts on way into courthouse, fights extradition
- Interim Syrian leader vows to rebuild but faces cash crunch
- Iran’s Khamenei says fall of Syria’s Assad was result of ‘U.S.-Israeli plan’
- 2 Ukrainian women are pulled alive from rubble hours after Russian missile strike
- Watch: At Syria’s infamous Sednaya Prison, relatives search for their loved ones
- Uttarakhand madrasa board chairman condemns atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh
- U.S. defense chief observes drills with Japan, Australia, says he’s confident about greater capability
- Anti-Semitism in Australia: Vandals burn car, spray graffiti in latest attack
- Israeli strikes on Gaza kill at least 26, Palestinian medics say
- Student coalition campaigns against MIT’s suspension of Indian-origin student Prahlad Iyengar
- Businessman Sanjay Bhandari's extradition appeal opens in U.K. High Court
- The Onion's purchase of Alex Jones' Infowars stopped by U.S. judge
- Trump promises to end birthright citizenship: What is it and could he do it?
- US defense secretary in Japan to support alliance as Osprey aircraft safety causes concern
- Cameroon’s royal ritual puts the king on trial
- Ex-Defense chief in South Korea tried to kill himself after being arrested over martial law case
- Trump mocks Trudeau, calls him ‘Governor of the great state of Canada’
- Israel hits Syria with over 350 airstrikes; claims Syrian navy ‘destroyed’
- South Korean police search President Yoon’s office over martial law imposition, reports say
- Adani Ports opts out of U.S. funding for Colombo project
- Russia transported Assad in ‘most secured way’: Deputy FM Sergei Ryabkov
- Trump names Andrew Ferguson as head of Federal Trade Commission to replace Lina Khan
- Israel says it will impose 'sterile defence zone' in southern Syria
- Man charged with murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO had manifesto railing against health insurance
- Gaza civil defence says 25 killed in Israeli strikes in territory's north
- Air strike on market kills over 100 as fighting rages across Sudan
- Pentagon chief slams China's 'coercive behaviour'
- Commonwealth group flags assaults on indigenous people in Bangladesh
- Taiwan’s Defence Ministry says a large Chinese military force has been detected near island
- Syria rebel leader vows to pursue former officials for torture, war crimes
- South Korean court issues arrest warrant for former Defence Minister over martial law imposition
- Who is Mohammad al-Bashir, Syria’s caretaker Prime Minister?
- Syria rebels name Mohammed al-Bashir head of transitional government
- Nobel Peace Prize winner Hidankyo calls for a world without nuclear weapons
- Twelve days that shook Syria
- Soros’ Open Society Foundations say they remain focused on human rights
- Tulsi Gabbard, Trump's pick for Intel Chief who visited Assad, meets with Senators after dictator’s fall
- U.S. designates two former Sri Lankan top officials for corruption, restricts visa
- Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu takes to witness stand for first time in his trial for alleged corruption
- Israeli warplanes pound Syria as troops reportedly advance deeper into the country
- Missing Journalist Austin Tice: U.S. hostage envoy Roger Carstens in Beirut to seek information
- Elon Musk warns Republicans against standing in Donald Trump's way — or his
- Sri Lankan President Anura Dissanayake to visit India from December 15-17
- The Onion’s bid for Infowars is still in Court as Judge reviews auction
- Japanese company to demo futuristic bathing capsule in 2025
- Mass evacuation of Philippine villages under way after brief but major volcanic eruption
- Trump nominates Indian-American Harmeet Dhillon as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights
- Russia open to negotiations on Ukraine, welcomes peace initiatives: Kremlin spokesperson
- Rebels work to form government after Assad ouster; UN Security Council convenes over Syria situation
- Attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh: Protest march held from White House to U.S. Capitol
- China's exports slow, imports decline, in November falling below forecasts
- Syria civil war LIVE Updates: Rebel leader says will announce ‘list’ of former officials wanted for torture; UNSC working on joint statement amid ‘fluid situation’
- Google pulls McDonald's negative reviews over arrest in UnitedHealth murder
- European countries suspend Syrian asylum decisions after Assad's fall
- Israeli PM says won't stop Gaza war 'now'
- Israeli army in Golan buffer zone violates 1974 deal: UN
- Man arrested with weapon ‘consistent with’ the gun used in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO
- Nauru agrees to give Australia a veto right over a range of pacts with third nations including China
- Taiwan military on high alert as China warships sail near island
- Netanyahu is set to take the witness stand for the first time in his corruption trial in Israel
- Four Israeli soldiers died in accidental explosion in Lebanon: Army Radio
- With Assad gone, new era starts in Syria as the world watches
- Venezuela Opposition leader says he will return as President
- Government stable, says Syria PM; Israel conducts air strikes
- Despairing Syrians search notorious Sednaya prison for missing relatives
- U.K. could consider removing ban on Syrian militant group HTS
- Watch: First mass at Notre Dame cathedral since 2019 fire
- Explosion at fuel depot in central Italy kills 2, injures 9
- Turkish military helicopters collide in mid-air, killing 5 military personnel
- Daily Quiz: On the Syrian civil war
- A total of 184 killed in Haiti capital violence over weekend: UN human rights chief Volker Turk
- Foreign Secretary Misri conveys India’s ‘concerns’ about security of minority communities in Bangladesh
- Israel strikes suspected weapons sites in Syria as Russia grants Assad political asylum
- More than 77% of earth's land became drier in last 30 years: United Nations report
- Allegations on OCCRP: BJP only quoting media report; up to U.S. State Department to clarify, says BJP
- India advocates inclusive Syrian-led political process
- Landslides, flash floods hit Indonesia's Java island, leaving 10 dead; two missing
- South Korea’s Justice Ministry imposes a travel ban on President Yoon over martial law
- Watch: Fall of Assad regime ‘historic opportunity’ for people of Syria: Biden
- Collapse of Assad regime: How it happened
- The dramatic fall of Damascus
- Syria war: Fall of Damascus appears to align with long-time goals of neighbour Turkiye
- Artist Abramovic turns from the extreme to silence
- Fishing boat capsizes after colliding with sand barge in South Korea, kills 7
- Tonga's Prime Minister quits moments ahead of no-confidence motion in parliament
- Hemingway takes a stroll along Cuba’s streets once again
- Syria war LIVE updates: Assad granted asylum in Russia; U.S. says he should be held accountable
- Case lodged against Hindu monk Chinmoy Krishna Das, his followers in Bangladesh’s Chittagong
- What is the delay in forming a government in Austria? | Explained
- Trump taps his attorney Alina Habba to serve as counsellor to the President
Al Jazeera
- Trump will throw US clean power into question
- Saudi Arabia’s hosting of FIFA World Cup 2034: What to know about the event
- Damascus’s joy and worry as people wonder: What happens after al-Assad?
- Syria’s al-Sharaa promises to punish those who tortured, killed detainees
- Bank of Canada slashes interest rates with another jumbo cut
- US judge rejects The Onion’s purchase of Alex Jones’s Infowars
- Romania’s pro-European parties agree to form coalition government
- Saudi Arabia named FIFA World Cup 2034 host; Morocco to co-stage 2030
- France and Germany in turmoil; how would that affect EU economy?
- The human cost of al-Assad’s rule on Syria
- Georgia has set a precedent that could undermine EU enlargement
- Haiti’s ‘vodou’ murders: Why did a gang kill nearly 200 people?
- What could Trump’s return to the White House mean for Latin America?
- Syrians set fire to Hafez al-Assad’s grave
- Real-life ‘Succession’: What is the latest Murdoch family drama all about?
- ‘Entire days without food’: Fighting hunger in Gaza
- Fact check: Did UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect post viral Substack?
- The Only Doctor: The struggle for healthcare in the US
- Russia tells citizens not to travel to United States
- Afghan refugee minister Khalil Ur-Rahman Haqqani killed in blast: Reports
- Video: Paramilitary attack kill dozens of civilians in Sudan
- ‘Abandoned’: Ukraine war veterans who fought Russia feel snubbed, forgotten
- Risk of nuclear weapon use rising, warn Nobel Peace Prize winners
- Ukraine says aerial attack sparks fire at key Russian oil depot
- Iran’s Khamenei says al-Assad ouster a US-Israel ‘plot’, blames ‘neighbour’
- Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 1,021
- Israeli attacks on Gaza residential areas kill dozens
- Al-Assad’s fall in Syria: What’s at stake for China?
- Fighters who overthrew al-Assad claim control of Syria’s Deir Az Zor city
- Dozens of civilians killed in two days of intense fighting in Sudan
- Taiwan blames ‘troublemaker’ China for huge naval drills near shores
- Video: Suspect in killing of US health firm chief shouts to reporters
- Ghana to Botswana: Why African voters are throwing out ruling parties
- Why is Israel attacking Syria?
- Japanese atomic bomb survivors accept Nobel Peace Prize
- Google pulls bad McDonald’s reviews after Luigi Mangione’s arrest
- Trump teases speedy environmental permitting for $1bn investments in US
- 60 at Gaza hospital at risk of starving to death, authorities say
- South Korea’s ex-defence chief, police heads arrested
- US trade office initiates investigation into Nicaragua human rights abuses
- Houthis clash with US Navy ships in the Gulf of Aden
- Accused UnitedHealthcare CEO attacker Mangione fights New York extradition
- ‘Our homes were destroyed’ Palestinian residents return to Yarmouk camp
- How can Syria be rebuilt and who will pay?
- Police fire tear gas at Kenya protesters rallying against femicide
- Kenyan police tear gas protesters marching against femicide
- US sanctions China cyber firm for potentially deadly ransomware attack
- Two presidents, two sons, different standards of outrage
- Argentina’s Milei emerges as blueprint for global far right
- Israel’s Netanyahu decries ‘absurd’ charges at corruption trial appearance
BBC News
- Chatbot 'encouraged teen to kill parents over screen time limit'. #CharacterAI #BBCNews
- Ros Atkins on: Why is Saudi Arabia hosting the 2034 world cup? | BBC News
- Saudi Arabia confirmed as hosts of men’s football 2034 World Cup | BBC News
- Evacuations ordered as wildfire spreads near Malibu | BBC News
- Syrian rebels take control of oil-rich city Deir al-Zour | BBC News
- Two people are in hospital after a house explosion in north-east London. #London #BBCNews
- Why is Israel bombing Syria? | BBC Newscast
- Victims of brutal Assad regime reveal horrors hidden from world | BBC News
- CEO shooting suspect Luigi Mangione in angry outburst as he fights New York extradition | BBC News
- Google unveils 'mind-boggling' quantum computing chip | BBC News
- Israel confirms attack on Syrian naval fleet | BBC News
- Who is Luigi Mangione, the suspect in CEO shooting? #LuigiMangione #NewYorkCity #BBCNews
- Why Gisèle Pelicot wanted courtroom to see rape videos | BBC News
- Troy Baker says Todd Howard didn't want him to be Indiana Jones. #IndianaJones #GreatCircle #BBCNews
- Rupert Murdoch loses bid in real-life 'Succession' battle with family | BBC News
- Syria's new government to investigate Assad's regime | BBC News
- More than 300 Israeli strikes on Syria since fall of Assad, reports say | BBC News
- Luigi Mangione charged with murdering healthcare CEO in New York City | BBC News
- Luigi Mangione was taken into custody at a McDonald's in the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania. #BBCNews
- Frontline report: Rebel fighters consolidate power as Syrians celebrate Assad's downfall | BBC News
- Syria frontline: inside Assad’s notorious jail of torture and execution | BBC News
- Suspect in healthcare CEO killing arrested after being spotted at McDonald's | BBC News
- US police arrest man, 26, in connection with killing of healthcare CEO | BBC News
- Moment women are freed from notorious Syrian prison. #Syria #BBCNews
- Israel says it struck suspected Syria chemical weapon sites | BBC News
- Troy Baker says 'no-one will ever replace Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones'. #BBCNews
- US police question 'person of interest' after killing of CEO in New York | BBC News
- Who is Bashar al-Assad? #Syria #Damascus #BBCNews
- What is happening in Syria? | BBC News
- Donald Trump reiterates US tariff plans | BBC News
- Crowds celebrate in Syria after Assad flees capital of Damascus | BBC News
- Syrians rush to notorious Saydnaya prison in search of relatives. #Syria #Damascus #BBCNews
- What happens next in Syria? | BBC News
- From doctor to dictator - the rise and fall of Syria’s President Assad | BBC News
- Frontline report: Inside Damascus as rebels seize power and Assad flees | BBC News
- Israeli PM Netanyahu vows to take action against 'possible threats' in Syria | BBC News
- How soon will robots be able to behave like humans? | BBC Click
- Is Iceland the best place in the world to be a woman?
- Who are the Syrian rebels and where is Bashar al-Assad? | BBC News
- Rebel forces in Damascus have declared Syria's capital "free" of ruler Bashar al-Assad. #BBCNews
- Syrian rebels capture Damascus, saying President Assad has fled | BBC News
- What is it like to be Putins "number one enemy"? | BBC News
- Grandad fights off Rolex muggers with takeaway. #Rolex #London #BBCNews
- Syrian rebels close in on Damascus as presidency denies Assad has left capital | BBC News
- Reports suggest anti-Assad rebels have captured most of key southern Syrian | BBC News
- South Korean couple shave their heads in protest. #SouthKorea #BBCNews
- Vote to impeach South Korea’s president fails after boycott by ruling party MPs | BBC News
- Where do the Democrats go from here? | BBC News
- Thousands flee fighting in Syria as rebel forces advance on another key city | BBC News
- Michel Barnier resigned following a no-confidence vote in parliament. #BBCNews
- Syrian rebels close in on Homs | BBC News
- Mum sues Mattel after adult site misprint on Wicked dolls. #Wicked #US #BBCNews
- Search for man who shot CEO in New York continues | BBC News
- Decision in TikTok appeal against US law which could ban app is due | BBC News
- Romania court orders rerun of presidential election first round | BBC News
- Former Syrian president's statue torn down in Hama. #HafezAlAssad #Syria #BBCNews
- Emmanuel Macron to name new French PM within days | BBC News
- Shouting match erupts at Trump assassination attempt hearing. #Trump #Congress #BBCNews
- Thousands flee Syrian city Homs as rebels advance further | BBC News
- New York police issue new photos in hunt for killer of insurance boss | BBC News
- Diddy accused of dangling woman from balcony in new lawsuit. #Diddy #SeanCombs #BBCNews
- New photos released as New York police hunt insurance boss killer | BBC News
- Baltimore bridge collapse: Possible cause discovered during investigations | BBC News
- Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes California coast. #US #California #Earthquake #BBCNews
- Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7 earthquake strikes California | BBC News
- Syrian rebels capture second major city after military withdraws | BBC News
- How the New York City CEO shooting unfolded. #NewYork #BrianThompson #BBCNews
- Calls for South Korea's President Yoon to resign | BBC News
- Price of Bitcoin surpasses $100k for first time | BBC News
- Michel Barnier to resign as French prime minister after government collapse | BBC News
- How New York police are using facial recognition tech to find killer of healthcare CEO | BBC News
- French government collapses as PM Michel Barnier loses confidence vote | BBC News
- French PM Michel Barnier ousted in no-confidence vote | BBC News
- South Korea opposition files motion to impeach Yoon | BBC News
- Jailed Iranian Nobel Prize winner temporarily freed after surgery | BBC News
- CEO of UnitedHealthcare fatally shot in New York City | BBC News
- Georgians risk serious injury and jail in fresh pro-EU protests | BBC News
- French government faces no-confidence vote | BBC News
- South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol faces impeachment after attempt to impose martial law | BBC News
- South Korea crisis - President lifts martial law in humiliating U-turn | BBC News
- King Charles welcomes Qatar's Emir for UK visit | BBC News
- South Korea President Yoon says he will lift martial law | BBC News
- South Korea's parliament votes to block martial law | BBC News
- Irish voters react to election result. #Ireland #BBCNews
- Police enforcing martial law clash with protesters in South Korea | BBC News | BBC News
- Elon Musk's record $56bn pay deal rejected for second time | BBC News
- Fifth night of protests in Georgia after EU bid suspended | BBC News
- US President Joe Biden visits Angola in bid to rival China | BBC News
- Fears fragile Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire could collapse | BBC News
- Raye says Charli XCX was the first artist to be 'nice' to her. #Raye #CharliCXC #BBCNews
- Vietnamese tycoon loses death row appeal over world’s biggest bank fraud | BBC News
- Top UN court to rule on key climate questions | BBC News
- People in Darfur used 'as pawns in Sudan civil war', says UN | BBC News
- Pro-EU protesters clash with police in Georgia. #Georgia #Tbilisi #BBCNews
- French PM risks no confidence vote after forcing through budget | BBC News
- Sir Elton John unable to watch The Devil Wears Prada musical after 'losing his eyesight'. #BBCNews
- ‘Italian’ purees in UK supermarkets likely to contain Chinese forced-labour tomatoes | BBC News
- Protests continue in Georgia after EU bid suspended | BBC News
- More Russian strikes as Syrian rebels advance after taking Aleppo | BBC News
- Donald Trump calls Joe Biden’s official pardon of son Hunter ‘an abuse’ | BBC News
- Brussels green lights Poland's plan to temporarily suspend right to asylum
- Latest news bulletin | December 11th – Evening
- Romania's pro-EU parties clinch deal to form coalition government
- Where are the EU workers who continue working after retirement?
- Why 13% of EU retirees keep working after pension?
- Exclusive: Georgia's foreign minister says pro-EU protests not 'necessarily peaceful'
- The best of Qatar in 2024: Visual arts, architectural wonders and sports on the rise
- Latest news bulletin | December 11th – Midday
- Fact check: Photos falsely claim to show Bashar al-Assad and wife in Moscow
- Latest news bulletin | December 11th – Morning
- Georgian anti-government protests enter twelfth night amidst intensifying policing
- Nobel Peace Prize winner Nihon Hidankyo calls for abolition of nuclear weapons
- Syria’s departing government will transfer power until March, says head of interim cabinet
- Spanish fisherman protest against EU fishing quotas
- Kallas urges 'no revenge' in Syria's transition of power, warns of sectarian violence
- Deadly Russian strike kills at least three in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia
- Brussels avoids comment on Romania's cancelled election after shock judicial ruling
- Israel strikes Syrian military sites while troops move into Golan Heights buffer zone
- EU DECODED: New smoking trends could be affected by more restrictive rules
- Latest news bulletin | December 10th – Evening
- With Assad gone, the EU wonders: Should Syrian refugees be sent back?
- Europe's busiest airports: Which ones welcome the most passengers?
- Netanyahu appears in court for first time in corruption trial
- Austrian government prepares deportation plan for Syrian migrants
- How Uzbekistan is pushing inclusive education
- Latest news bulletin | December 10th – Midday
- Spanish fishermen mobilise against proposed EU fishing day quotas
- Video of German pilot fired for refusing to spray chemtrails is satirical
- Sweden is trying to become the world's first country to eliminate HPV. Here's how
- Video of German pilot fired for refusing to spray chemtrails is satirical
- Latest news bulletin | December 10th – Morning
- Syrian government services come to a 'complete halt' as state workers stay home after rebel takeover
- Valencia holds memorial service for flood victims
- Man arrested with weapon 'consistent with' gun in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO
- Ukraine produces leaflets, videos to encourage North Korean soldiers to desert
- Search for The Hague explosion victims ends with six confirmed dead
- Mercosur: what’s new, what's next in the deal?
- EU holds off contact with Syrian liberators after Assad fall pending 'actions'
- EU holds off contact with Syrian liberators after Assad fall pending 'actions'
- Latest news bulletin | December 9th – Evening
- Netherlands begins implementation of additional border controls
- Germany's CDU leader Friedrich Merz visits Kyiv to reaffirm support
- Germany and Austria freeze Syrian asylum applications, local media report
- Climate change: How Alpine ski resorts are adapting to the end of the ‘white gold’ era
- How ski resorts threatened by climate change are being supported
- What is the role of gold in Russia’s wartime trade relations?
- Latest news bulletin | December 9th – Midday
- Fact check: German foreign minister wasn't thrown out of press conference by Chinese counterpart
- Tens of thousands of Georgians protest against ruling party for the 11th straight day
- Latest news bulletin | December 9th – Morning
- The Big Question: Could Denmark’s labour market model unlock European competitiveness?
- 'I'm just happy': Syrian diaspora across Europe reacts to Bashar al-Assad's downfall
- Syria looks to carve new future after abrupt end to Bashar al-Assad's 24-year reign
- Fall of Bashar al-Assad after 20 years in power in Syria: how the world reacted
- Romania's far-right Georgescu denounces cancelled vote outside closed polling station
- Former al-Qaeda member al-Golani rebrands as a pluralist amid doubts over Syria’s democratic f…
- Latest news bulletin | December 8th – Evening
- South Korea's opposition leader pushes for new impeachment vote against Yoon
- Tokyo Grand Slam: A spectacular finale for the 2024 season of the International Judo Federation
- Latest news bulletin | December 8th – Midday
- EP8 | The Response: Mercury contamination in tuna cans: Will the EU's permitted levels be reviewed?
- Latest news bulletin | December 8th – Morning
- Paris' iconic Notre Dame cathedral reopens for worship five years after devastating fire
- Syrian rebels take the capital Damascus, say Bashar Al-Assad has fled the country
- Germany and France slam police violence against pro-EU protesters in Georgia
- At least five killed after explosion rips through apartment in Dutch city The Hague
- Emmanuel Macron welcomes Trump and Zelenskyy for a meeting ahead of Notre Dame's reopening
- Latest news bulletin | December 7th – Evening
- Syrian insurgents seize Damascus suburbs while state media deny Assad has fled
- France's Notre Dame Cathedral opens its doors for the first time since a devastating fire
- Judo Grand Slam in Tokyo: A perfect first day for Japan!
- AfD's first ever chancellor candidate vows to be strict on migration, revive economy
- South Korea's president apologises for martial law ahead of impeachment vote
- Netherlands: Apartment explosion causes several injuries in The Hague
- Latest news bulletin | December 7th – Midday
- Macron to meet with Trump and Zelenskyy as Notre Dame reopens its doors
- EP8 | Portrait: Meet the 25-year-old scientist who uncovered mercury contamination in canned tuna
- Latest news bulletin | December 7th – Morning
- Brussels, my love? Tense talks with TikTok over alleged election meddling
- Several people killed as Russia strikes Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia and Kryvyi Rih
- Georgians vow to continue protests 'until victory' as unrest continues for ninth night
- Putin signs security treaty with Belarus including possible use of nuclear weapons
- Georgescu slams Romania's top court after annulment of presidential election result
- Thousands flee Homs as insurgents led by HTS advance on Syria's third-largest city
- Von der Leyen clinches EU-Mercosur trade deal, in face of French opposition
- Latest news bulletin | December 6th – Evening
- President Milatović says he intends for Montenegro to become 28th EU Member State by 2028
- EU demands 'urgent' answers from TikTok about possible foreign interference in Romanian election
- EU demands 'urgent' answers from TikTok about possible foreign interference in Romanian election
- No, UK PM hasn't told citizens who disagree with him to leave the country
- Romanian court cancels presidential election in latest political earthquake
- Explained: What is the state of mental health in EU workplaces?
- Which EU countries are leading in defence spending?
- Latest news bulletin | December 6th – Midday
- Could Denmark’s labour market model unlock European competitiveness? | The Big Question
- Macron to meet party leaders across spectrum to form new government
- EP8 | Explainer: How is mercury in tuna regulated in the EU?
- Latest news bulletin | December 6th – Morning
- Protests across Georgia against suspension of EU accession talks enter second week
- Thousands of Romanians stage pro-Europe rally days ahead of presidential runoff
Global News
- FIFA World Cup: 3 nations to host in 2030, Saudi Arabia in 2034
- U.K. spy agency wants to find future codebreakers with Christmas card puzzle
- Days after Assad’s ouster, some Syrian refugees are going back home
- After Assad’s ouster in Syria, what next for refugee claims in Canada?
- Netanyahu takes stand in his corruption trial, calls charges ‘absurd’
- Investigation: Visas have become an Indian foreign interference tool
- Nvidia faces Chinese antitrust probe, move seen as retaliation against U.S.
- Who are the rebels that toppled Syria’s Assad? Key questions answered
- Syrians living in Alberta look forward to a free Syria
- Updated advisory urges Canadians to avoid all travel to Syria, leave if possible
- Jubilation and gunfire as Syrians celebrate the end of the Assad family’s half-century rule
- UnitedHealthcare CEO’s shooting opens a door for many to vent frustrations over insurance
- Trump receives a Paris welcome full of presidential pomp from France’s Macron
- South Korea’s president avoids an impeachment attempt over martial law
- Notre Dame reopens its doors to Macron and other world leaders in a rare symbol of unity
- South Korea president’s impeachment looks more likely as party shifts tone
- U.S. mandates bird flu testing for milk supply amid outbreak
- Alleged hitwoman, known as ‘The Doll,’ arrested in Colombia
- What is Congo’s mystery flu-like illness? WHO sends experts amid outbreak
- Canadian, 2 U.S. climbers presumed dead after fall on New Zealand mountain
- A ‘place in paradise’: Canadian blacksmiths help restore Notre-Dame
- After France’s government toppled, Macron to name new PM soon
- Woman who stowed away on NY flight to Paris arrested, will face judge
- Canada to release new Arctic foreign policy for ‘tougher’ world: Joly
- NASA’s Artemis mission to orbit moon pushed back to 2026
- South Korean woman who grabbed soldier’s gun explains why she did it
- Cargill layoffs not expected to impact Canadian union jobs: UFCW
- Could France’s government fall? Vote of non-confidence to be held today
- Mystery flu-like outbreak in Congo kills dozens, investigation underway
- South Korean president faces impeachment motion over martial law
- Syria urged by Turkey, U.S. to hold talks with opposition after sudden advance
- South Korea martial law: Canada, other countries urge caution to travellers
- Read the full text of South Korea’s martial law decree
- Food giant Cargill is slashing 5% of global workforce—around 8K jobs
- Elon Musk’s massive multibillion Tesla pay package blocked by judge again
- South Korean president has declared martial law. Here’s why
- Canadian among 3 climbers missing on New Zealand’s highest peak
- Canada warns claiming asylum is ‘not easy’ with new global ad campaign
- Plastics pollution treaty talks hit impasse on if rules should be binding
- Canada lists Houthi militant group as a terrorist entity
- ‘Brain rot’ is the Oxford word of the year. Are you noticing it?
- Guinea soccer match stampede following clashes kills 56 people
- After entering Aleppo, Syrian insurgents advance to a nearby province. Assad says he’ll defeat them
- Magic can’t save ‘Harry Potter’ star Rupert Grint from US$2.3M tax bill
- NATO offer for Ukraine-controlled land could end war’s ‘hot stage’: Zelenskyy
- Syrian insurgents enter Aleppo in major setback for Assad government
- Gaza protest blocks Metro Vancouver container port
- See 1st photos of Notre Dame Cathedral’s restoration, 5 years after blaze
- Australia had its worst flu season on record. Is it a warning for Canada?
- Canadian soldiers leave Edmonton for Latvia as part of ongoing mission to support NATO
- Australia passes world’s 1st social media ban for kids under 16
- Israel accuses Hezbollah of breaching ceasefire, launches airstrike
- Here’s what happened on a call between Trump and Mexico’s president
- Russia’s ruble has plunged amid fresh sanctions as wartime economy strains
- Ukrainian girls’ team finds hockey haven in Calgary at Hayley Wickenheiser’s annual festival
- Global experts gather in Vancouver for summit on international security
- Alberta business leaders describe Trump tariff threat as ‘scary’
- Israel’s Netanyahu signals support for ceasefire with Lebanon’s Hezbollah
- Can you tell fake alcohol from real? Why methanol is so hard to detect
- DHL cargo plane crashes into home in Lithuania, kills 1
- Canada on ‘clear path’ to reach NATO’s 2% target, Trudeau says
- Nations have agreed to $300B for climate funding. How will they pay for it?
- Ukraine needs better air defences, Zelenskyy says after Russian drone attack
- Anti-NATO protesters in Montreal demand Canada withdraws from alliance
- Israeli army orders Gaza City suburb evacuated, 10 killed by IDF strikes
- UN climate talks to decide on $300B global funding package for poor nations
- Laos mass poisoning casts shadow over tourist town after at least 6 killed
- Israeli strikes kill dozens in Beirut, Gaza as diplomats push for ceasefire
- Philippine VP says she hired assassin to kill president if she is killed
- Powering an e-bike using disposable vapes is about more than engineering
- London Knights pull off huge comeback against Owen Sound to keep winning streak alive
- Jets begin six-game road trip with 4-1 win in Pittsburgh
- Teen shot and killed by RCMP in Norway House
- Edmonton small businesses pivot to get orders out during Canada Post strike
- B.C. business ‘review bombed’ in case of MAGA mistaken identity
- Calgarians make final push to save Olympic Plaza bricks
- Spruce Grove smokery gives back during holiday season
- Man accused in botched B.C. dump truck e-bike heist remains behind bars, for now
- Latest mpox strain detected in Manitoba, province says
- Kimberly Proctor’s killer denied day parole but can tour minimum security prison
- Irwin Cotler says Iran assassination plot should be ‘wake-up call’ to world
- Son of Norway’s crown princess accused of second rape
- How Trump’s NATO ambassador pick may bring ‘pressure tactics’ to alliance
- Time ‘rapidly running out’ on COP29 climate finance deal: Guilbeault
- 2nd Australian teen dies, totalling 6 tourists dead in Laos tainted alcohol case
- Another senior member of Iran’s regime caught in Canada, CBSA says
- Russia fires new ballistic missile at Ukraine in warning to West
- Ottawa not aware of evidence linking Modi to criminal activity in Canada
- ‘Suicide pod’ creator speaks out, rejects claim that 1st user was strangled
- Kingston prepares to host 59th Vanier Cup
- Will the Liberals’ ‘tax holiday’ pay political dividends? What it signals
- Google may have to sell Chrome. Why the impact could be ‘seismic’
- Hells Angels members face charges over robbery of rival bikers: OPP
- Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro indicted for alleged 2022 coup attempt
- Brace yourself: 3 more waves of snow set to hit Alberta this weekend
- Saskatchewan sees decrease in overdose deaths thus far in 2024
- Kingston hosts OFSAA boys’ volleyball championship
- Kingston Frontenacs gear up for gruelling 3-game weekend
- N.S. election: Gender-based violence solutions absent in campaign talk, advocates say
- Trudeau floats ‘other options’ if Mexico won’t address China trade concerns
RT News – World
- Trump mocks ‘Bidenomics’
- Israel threatening peace in Syria – Türkiye
- US loan to Ukraine ‘theft’ of Russian money – deputy FM
- US mulls ‘aggressive’ sanctions on Russian oil – Bloomberg
- Iranian supreme leader names powers behind Assad’s ouster
- Trump likely to leave Ukraine with financial black hole – NYT
- Euroclear warns of risks if Russian assets seized
- Nothing will be left of frozen Russian funds – EU’s Kallas
- Orban speaks with Putin after Trump meeting
- Migrants go home: This man believes he has a plan to solve the refugee crisis in the EU
- Jewish area attacked by vandals in Sydney
- Bill Clinton blames ‘mainstream media’ for Hillary’s defeat to Trump
- Liberal world order is over – Orban
- Judge blocks InfoWars auction sale
- Trump told Zelensky he wants ‘immediate ceasefire’ – Reuters
- South Korea’s ex-defense chief attempts suicide ahead of martial law charges
- EU state pledges support to Ukraine peace initiative
- South Korean president’s office raided
- Ukraine conflict risks nuclear war – NATO state’s top diplomat
- Israel bombs Syrian Navy ships (VIDEO)
- Transitional government begins work in Syria
- US-backed and Turkish-backed forces sign truce in Syria – commander
- Fyodor Lukyanov: After Syria, this is the role Russia should embrace
- Australia admits shocking lab breach
- Israel to create ‘sterile’ zone in southern Syria – defense minister
- US pays $20 billion into Ukraine loan fund
- I am not Assad – Serbian president
- Nearly 200 massacred in Haiti over bad Voodoo spell
- EU state promises to veto sanctions on Georgia
- Russian gas was ‘win win’ – Merkel
- Musk and Trump Jr. laugh at Zelensky ‘Home Alone’ meme
- West fears ‘power vacuum’ in Syria after revolution – Reuters
- Pentagon grounds accident-plagued aircraft
- US hypocrisy reaches a new level: Israel’s occupation of Syria is ‘security,’ Russia’s moves in Ukraine are ‘aggression’
- Trump suggests Mexico and Canada become US states
- Al-Bashir claims power in Syria
- Trump’s Pentagon pick lashes out at media ‘smear’ campaign
- Brazil’s Lula recovering from emergency brain surgery – doctors
- China restricts drone part exports to West – Bloomberg
- Canada must not ‘freak out’ over Trump’s tariff threat – Trudeau
- Australian warship fires US Tomahawk missile for first time (VIDEO)
- US backs Israeli invasion of Syria
- Israel launches ‘one of the largest’ attacks on Syria in history – media
- Trump ally threatens sanctions against major NATO state
- Israel ‘sabogating’ Syria’s chances at stability – Saudi Arabia
- Alleged shooter of US healthcare CEO caught – police
- Netanyahu says illegal occupation of Syrian land is ‘forever’
- Musk reacts to Zelensky’s NATO statement
- Why the West cheers for Al-Qaeda successors taking over Syria
- Mexican tries to hijack plane to reach US
- Middle Eastern states condemn Israel’s invasion of Syria
- Assad’s collapse was coming – everyone just looked away
- NYC jury decides case of ‘subway vigilante’
- Hamas applauds Syrian revolution
- Israel stopped Iran aiding Assad – WSJ
- A new era in Syria: What lies ahead for Iran?
- EU countries suspend asylum applications from Syrians – Der Spiegel
- Syrian Negotiation Commission weighs in on future relations with Russia
- Zelensky wants to call Biden over NATO membership
- Syrian ambassador in Moscow condemns Assad
- UK spies deny internships to white students
- South Korean president banned from leaving country – media
- Dmitry Trenin: Why Trump needs to call Putin on day one
- UK politician suspended over explicit messages to Ukrainian refugees – media
- Israel claims it struck chemical weapons sites in Syria
- Trump says Zelensky wants peace – NYT
- ‘I don’t want to be breaking up families’ – Trump on immigration
- Biden claims credit for toppling Syria’s Assad
- Taliban hails Islamist victory in Syria
- Fyodor Lukyanov: South Korea and Georgia could be canaries in the coalmine for democracy
- Trump says he’ll ‘probably’ cut Ukraine aid
- Why did Syria fall so fast and what happens next?
- Netanyahu claims credit for overthrowing Assad
- The West’s ‘rules-based international order’ is a sham: Here’s why
- Zelensky rejects Trump’s peace call
- Iran wants relations with Syria to continue after coup
- US admits much-hyped tanks failed in Ukraine
- Trump adviser blasts Zelensky for ‘disrespectful’ attire
- EU state’s PM urges commemoration of Soviet fight against Nazis
- Trump was ‘reluctant’ to meet Zelensky – Axios
- Moscow confirms Assad has left Syria
- Looters ransack Iranian Embassy in Damascus (VIDEO)
- South Korea arrests former defense minister for alleged treason
- US one step closer to banning TikTok
- Ukraine ‘would like to make a deal’ with Russia – Trump
- Israel deploys troops to buffer zone with Syria
- Syrian Army informs officers of regime change – Reuters
- Jihadists claim to take over power in Syria
- Russian ships still at Tartus base – Lavrov
- Jihadists march on Syrian capital
- Meeting with Trump and Macron was ‘productive’ – Zelensky
- Terrorists seize ancient Syrian city — media
- Jihadists reach Damascus suburbs – AP
- France is a perfect example of centrist elites wrecking the West
- More F-16s delivered to Ukraine – Kiev
- Biden and Trump hold phone call – media
- Ruling party thwarts South Korean president’s impeachment vote
- Prospective German chancellor calls for end to arming Kiev
- Romanian presidential frontrunner claims he’s victim of coup d’etat
- Teenagers preparing to flee Ukraine – Times
RT News – Russia
- RT is ‘ahead of the times’ – Zakharova
- Ukraine strikes Russia with US-made ATACMS missiles
- EU state explains why it won’t change Syrian refugee rules
- US media ‘can’t calm down’ over loss of influence – RT editor-in-chief
- Russian MPs approve language tests for children of migrants
- Biden leaving ‘legacy of escalation’ – Kremlin
- Kremlin comments on Russia’s contacts with new Syrian authorities
- Kiev using draft age as bargaining chip with West – Russian diplomat
- Zelensky ‘does not understand’ Western reluctance to provide Patriots
- Anti-Semitic rioters in Muslim Russian region sentenced to prison
- Ukraine strikes Donbass town with long-range weapons – governor
- Ukraine fires missiles at southern Russian city – governor
- Putin again rules out return of death penalty in Russia
- International young leaders club opens in Russia
- Ukraine cracking down on draft evasion
- Terrorism threat on the rise in Russia – FSB chief
- US partners secretly rooting for Russia in Ukraine – Moscow’s top spy
- Oreshnik reduces need for nuclear weapons – Putin
- Oreshnik reduces need for nuclear weapons use – Putin
- Lukashenko reveals details about Oreshniks in Belarus
- West fostering global conflict – Russia’s spy chief
- Kremlin comments on Assad’s resignation
- Russian court convicts New Zealand mercenary
- Russian-German citizen arrested over Ukrainian sabotage plot – FSB (VIDEO)
- Belarus has nuclear weapons more powerful than Oreshnik – Lukashenko
- Russia close to winning Ukraine conflict – spy chief
- UN Security Council ‘more or less united’ on Syria – Moscow
- Kiev mulling Telegram crackdown – NYT
- Ukrainian inflation soaring – media
- Zelensky rules out lowering draft age
- Russia never pressured ally Armenia over Ukraine – FM
- Putin forms council for demographic and family policy
- Ukraine conflict veterans ‘real elite’ of Russia – Putin
- Georgia prevented Maidan-style coup – PM
- Western democracy is dead – RT editor-in-chief
- Syrian opposition flag raised over Moscow embassy (VIDEO)
- Russia to enlist AI to fight corruption — chief prosecutor
- Nationalists scuffle with police at LGBTQ event in Kiev (VIDEOS)
- Kremlin comments on fate of Russian military bases in Syria
- SpaceX signs Pentagon contract expanding Kiev’s Starlink access – Bloomberg
- Putin personally approved Assad’s asylum – Kremlin
- Ukraine didn’t provide enough pilots for F-16 training – White House
- Scam call centers linked to ex-Georgian minister busted in Russia – FSB
- Syria’s Assad in Moscow – senior diplomat
- Reuters should retract fake Assad ‘plane crash’ story – Moscow
- Syrian militants promise to protect Russian bases – TASS
- US beefing up missile deployment in Europe
- Assad in Moscow with family – Russian media
- Georgia to ban face coverings at protests
- Trump’s estimate of Russian losses wrong – Kremlin
- EU country drops genocide justification case against Russian activist
- Russia-Belarus Oreshnik missile deal is response to US-Germany act – military chief
- Using terrorists for geopolitical purposes unacceptable – Russia
- Russia’s top banker warns of ‘stagflation’
- Georgian riot police and protesters clash (VIDEOS)
- New security deal will see Oreshniks based in Belarus: What we know so far
- Zelensky does not serve interests of Ukraine – Tbilisi mayor
- Oreshnik missiles in Belarus: what has been revealed
- Russia seizes half a ton of Colombian cocaine (VIDEO)
- Over a million men have fled Ukraine illegally – MP
- Russia to provide ally with Oreshnik missiles
- Kiev using Ukrainian troops ‘as meat’ – ex-president
- Date of Putin’s 2024 Q&A marathon announced
- Georgian president hails Ukrainian sanctions against her rivals
- Putin appoints new governor in Kursk
- Musk’s Cybertrucks ‘useless in war’ – Chechen leader
- Lavrov reveals view on lifting sanctions in Carlson interview
- Russia names terms for Ukraine peace
- Moscow reveals purpose of Oreshnik missile test
- Nuclear conflict risk, Ukraine and Syria escalation: READ Lavrov’s interview with Tucker Carlson (FULL VERSION)
- Some 105,000 Ukrainian troops killed or missing – journalist
- Ukraine preparing for end to conflict – media
- Dmitry Trenin: How Russia plans to win in Ukraine
- Russia’s diplomatic feud deepens with EU country
- Lavrov slams ‘fantasies’ about Western troops in Ukraine
- NATO member state comments on Trump’s desire to end Ukraine conflict
- Russia denounces Western targeting of diplomat
- Russia ready for Trump’s peace proposals – deputy FM
- Kremlin comments on military assistance to Syria
- Details of Russia-North Korea ‘indefinite’ security agreement revealed
- North Korea-Russia security deal comes into force
- Bitcoin, Western snobbery, and why East is best: Key takeaways from Putin’s appearance at major Moscow investment forum
- British tabloid duped by fake image of ‘female North Korean soldiers in Russia’
- Russian military puts spacecraft into orbit (VIDEO)
- Zelensky aide visits US to charm Trump team – WSJ
- Armenian PM seeks withdrawal from Russia-led military alliance
- Ukrainian military hunting for ex-President’s draft dodging son - media
- Turmoil in Tbilisi: Why are we seeing violence on the streets of another post-Soviet capital?
- Ukrainian APC destroyed by bomber drone in trick strike (MOD VIDEO)
- Russian court issues arrest warrant for US mercenary
- Many Georgia protesters are foreigners – MP
- Western plans to damage Russian economy have failed – Putin
- Western plans to damage Russian economy have failed – Putin
- Satanic Temple outlawed in Russia
- German FM hints at troop deployment to Ukraine – media
- North Korea has every reason to be wary of South – Moscow
- Russian cops reel in 260kg of caviar in poaching bust (VIDEO)
- Wages surging in Russia’s industrial centers – media
- Russian human rights chief ‘hopes gays are doing okay’
- Georgian journalist shot with ‘bazooka’ (VIDEO)
The Economist
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Foreign Policy
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- Assad’s Fall Is the Middle East’s 1989
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- Georgia’s Maidan Moment
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- Day 1 of the Israel-Hezbollah Cease-Fire in Lebanon
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- Biden Didn’t Really Try to End the War in Gaza
- Five Questions About the Emerging Cease-Fire Between Israel and Hezbollah
- Is Militancy Surging in Indian-Administered Kashmir?
- ‘Gladiator II’ Is an Empty Prayer at the Altar of the Franchise
- Can Devlet Bahceli Be Turkey’s F.W. de Klerk?
- U.S. Election Polls Can’t Tell Us Much About Race
- Ireland’s Defense Ambitions Are Behind the Times
- The Price of a Bad Peace
- The Off-Ramp Runs Through Riyadh
- What the COP29 Climate Finance Deal Means for the World
- Israel, Hezbollah Prepare to Approve a Cease-Fire Deal
- 120 Miles of Russian Forest Couldn’t Keep These Two Tigers Apart - The New York Times
- EU targets Russia's ghost fleet shipping oil in a new round of sanctions - ABC News
- Watch Yellen Talks Russia Sanctions, Tariffs and US Deficit - Bloomberg
- Russia Vows Retaliation After Ukrainian ATACMS Strike - Barron's
- Russia Vows Retaliation After Ukrainian ATACMS Strike - Barron's
- Low global demand creates opportunity for more US sanctions on Russian oil, Yellen says - Reuters
- Russians Urged to Avoid U.S. Travel Amid Fears of Arrest - The Moscow Times
- Watch Yellen Says Softer Oil Market Could Mean More Action on Russia - Bloomberg
- EU targets Russia's ghost fleet shipping oil in a new round of sanctions - ABC News
- EU targets Russia’s ghost fleet shipping oil in a new round of sanctions - KXAN.com
- EU targets Russia’s ghost fleet shipping oil in a new round of sanctions - WANE
- Russia teams up with BRICS to create AI alliance, Putin says - Reuters
- EU envoys agree 15th sanctions package against Russia - Reuters
- Breaking news. EU slaps new sanctions on Russia targeting 'shadow fleet' of oil tankers - Euronews
- US warns Russia may be ready to use new lethal missile against Ukraine again in 'coming days' - ABC News
- Poland to guard major TV stations against hostile purchase attempts by Russia - ABC News
- Poland to guard major TV stations against hostile purchase attempts by Russia - ABC News
- Poland to guard major TV stations against hostile purchase attempts by Russia - The Associated Press
- Russia Pressured Assad To Flee, Helping Him Disappear Without Trace - i24NEWS
- Zelensky Issues Update on New Missile Test as 'Hell' Fired on Russia - Newsweek
- Russian-occupied Abkhazia left without electricity due to hydroelectric station shutdown. - Kyiv Independent
- Exclusive: Russia, Reeling from Syrian Regime’s Collapse, Bets on Chaos to Preserve Its Foothold - The Moscow Times
- Death toll from Russian missile attack on Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia rises to six, officials say - Reuters
- Russia to Introduce Language Exams for Migrant Children to Enroll In School - The Moscow Times
- US gives $20bn to Ukraine funded by seized Russian assets - BBC.com
- Romania’s ‘rigged’ election shows Europe the dangers of Russian disinformation - The Guardian
- You may be 'hunted': Russia tells citizens not to visit US, major Western countries - The Jerusalem Post
- Kremlin plays down blow to Russia from Assad's fall - Yahoo! Voices
- Russia continues to suffer record losses in December, Zelensky says. - Kyiv Independent
- Russia warns its citizens to avoid travel to US and allies due to risk of being 'hunted' - The Times of India
- Map Shows Syria's Critical Role for Russia's Africa Operations - Newsweek
- Russia tells its citizens to avoid travel to the West - Reuters
- Russia seeks Turkey’s help to withdraw troops from Syria, CNN Turk reports - Kyiv Independent
- Russia Not Evacuating Key Air, Naval Bases in Syria – FT - The Moscow Times
- Russia ‘Prepared to Consider’ U.S. Prisoner Swap – Senior Diplomat - The Moscow Times
- Russian troops sabotage their boats to avoid Dnipro River crossing, Ukrainian partisans claim - Kyiv Independent
- Russia withdraws ships, weapons from Syria, Ukrainian intelligence reports - Kyiv Independent
- Russia Pushed Assad to Flee Syria After Concluding He’d Lost War - Bloomberg
- The Biden Administration Is Considering More Sanctions Against Russia - OilPrice.com
- Russian Navy Faces Dilemma Over Future of Mediterranean Flotilla - Newsweek
- Russian troops are likely still at their key bases in Syria, and it will be 'obvious' if they try to leave: senior analyst - Business Insider
- Russian troops are likely still at their key bases in Syria, and it will be 'obvious' if they try to leave: senior analyst - Yahoo! Voices
- Explosions Rock Russia’s Taganrog and Bryansk in Overnight Attacks - Kyiv Post
- Ukraine war briefing: Don’t let Patriot missile systems gather dust, says Zelenskyy, after deadly strike on clinic - The Guardian
- UAE Finalizes Pact to Boost Trade With Nations Including Russia - Bloomberg
- Russia 'prepared to consider' prisoner exchange with US, Russian official says. - Kyiv Independent
- China intrigued by Russia’s planned rail link to planet’s largest coalfield - South China Morning Post
- US considering implementing harsher sanctions on Russian oil ahead of Trump's inauguration, Bloomberg reports - Kyiv Independent
- Rival LNG supplies, Sakhalin's depleting fields give Japan an exit from Russian gas - Reuters
- Opinion | Syrian rebels had help from Ukraine in humiliating Russia - The Washington Post
- Russia’s Africa Strategy at Risk After Syria Regime Collapse - Bloomberg
- Deputy foreign minister confirms former Syrian president is in Russia - NBC News
- Video: How Assad’s fall may affect Russian influence in Syria - CNN
- US Mulls New Russia Oil Sanctions to Weaken Putin Ahead of Trump - Bloomberg
- Russia transported Assad in 'most secured way,' Russian Deputy FM tells NBC News - Yahoo! Voices
- EU weighing first sanctions against Russia for misinformation, election interference and cyber attacks - New York Post
- Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, December 10, 2024 - Institute for the Study of War
- Russia transported Assad in 'most secured way,' Russian Deputy FM tells NBC News - The Jerusalem Post
- How cotton from Central Asia is helping fuel Russia's war in Ukraine - PBS NewsHour
- Russia effectively acknowledges scale of its war crimes through horrific ‘sentences’ against Ukrainian POWs - Права людини в Україні
- Here's what we can see Russia's warships and planes doing in new satellite images of Syria amid regime change - Business Insider
- In Syria, the beginnings of an evacuation of Russian bases - Le Monde
- How meddling blamed on Russia exploited real grievances in Romania - BBC.com
- Satellite Photos Show Russian Navy Exodus From Syria, Syrian Missile Boats Sunk at Pier - USNI News
- Russia has learned how to influence elections, EU’s top diplomat warns - POLITICO Europe
- Ukraine is expanding its long-range arsenal for deep strikes inside Russia - Atlantic Council
- Drone strikes UN vehicle on way to inspect Ukrainian nuclear plant - CNN
- Trump must be ‘strong’ on Russia to prevent trouble with China, EU top diplomat says - POLITICO Europe
- Drone hits IAEA vehicle on road to Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, agency says - Reuters
- Inside Ukraine’s Battle for the Skies as Russian Bombardments Hit Records - The Wall Street Journal
- Russian security official Medvedev arrives in China, Russian agencies report - Reuters
- U.S. Transfers $20 Billion Loan to Ukraine Backed by Russian Assets - The New York Times
- Iran, Russia to Finalize Establishment of ‘International Union Against US Sanctions’ - Algemeiner
- Russia Tests Cutting Off Access to Global Web, and VPNs Can't Get Around It - PCMag
- Russia reduces barge barriers protecting Crimean Bridge by half in a month. - Kyiv Independent
- DOJ flouted rules in probing Trump-Russia leaks to reporters: IG report - Washington Times
- Zelenskiy urges allies for 10-12 more Patriot systems to fully protect Ukraine skies - Reuters
- Russian Intelligence Chief Declares Moscow Close to Achieving Military Goals - Kyiv Post
- Biden is rushing aid to Ukraine. Both sides are digging in. And everyone is bracing for Trump - The Associated Press
- Romania's election canceled amid claims of Russian interference - Responsible Statecraft
- Confusion over Russian advances in Sumy Oblast, authorities deny border breach. - Kyiv Independent
- Map Shows Range of Russian Nukes Moved Closer to NATO Countries - Newsweek
- Britain will provide intel to Cyprus to help fight Russia’s sanctions evasion - The Associated Press
- The west is already at war with Russia. And large-scale conflict may not be far off - The Conversation
- US Justice Department watchdog faults subpoenas to Congress over Trump Russia probe - Reuters
- What do we know about the fate of Russia's military bases in Syria? - Euronews
- Russia would not invade NATO, says Latvian foreign minister - Reuters
- 'The Future Character of War': Keynote Address by Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks - Department of Defense
- Russian navy ships anchored off Syrian coast, satellite imagery shows - Reuters
- Russia takes step towards recognising Afghanistan's Taliban government - Reuters
- Russia detains German citizen on suspicion of railway sabotage - Reuters
- The fall of Assad is a defeat for Russia — and no 'win' for the US - Responsible Statecraft
- Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, December 9, 2024 - Institute for the Study of War
- Department Press Briefing – December 9, 2024 - Department of State
- Zelenskiy seeks diplomatic end to Russia's war, floats role for foreign troops - Reuters
- Russia targets Ukraine's energy grid as winter sets in. Here's how one plant copes - NPR
- Russia has used its hypersonic Oreshnik missile for the first time. What are its capabilities? - The Associated Press
- Assad arrives in Moscow, is granted asylum by Russia - Fox News
- Bogged Down in Ukraine, Russia Pays a Price in Syria - The New York Times
- Ukraine war latest: 43,000 dead, Volodymyr Zelensky says in rare update - BBC.com
Vladimir Putin
- Putin Announces AI Alliance Network With BRICS Nations - Strategic News Global
- Russia Teams up With BRICS to Create AI Alliance, Putin Says - U.S. News & World Report
- Russia teams up with BRICS to create AI alliance, Putin says - Yahoo! Voices
- Russia teams up with BRICS to create AI alliance, Putin says - The Jerusalem Post
- Russian economy in meltdown as Vladimir Putin issued dire bankruptcy warning - Express
- How Putin’s intelligence agents convinced Assad to flee Syria - The Independent
- Orban talks to Putin for hour, says this is "most dangerous period of war" - Euromaidan Press
- Putin Conveniently Forgets There Is An International Arrest Warrant Out For Him In Latest Speech - HuffPost UK
- Putin and Hungary’s Orban Discuss Ukraine in Call, Kremlin Says - The Moscow Times
- How Putin will make Assad pay for his exile - The Spectator
- Russia's Deadly New Missile Makes Nuclear Weapons Redundant, Putin Says - Newsweek
- Frontline report: Putin removes Kursk Governor after military setbacks - Euromaidan Press
- Orban Talks With Russia’s Putin on Ukraine After Trump Meeting - Bloomberg
- Orban Talks With Russia’s Putin on Ukraine After Trump Meeting - Bloomberg
- Putin And Hungary's Orban Discussed Ukraine Conflict In Call: Kremlin - Barron's
- Kremlin plays down blow to Russia from Assad's fall - Reuters
- Putin’s India visit and efforts to rebalance global power - Deccan Herald
- Ukraine-Russia war latest: Zelensky won’t sacrifice young troops to Putin’s forces for more weapons from West - The Independent
- U.S. mulls new Russia oil sanctions to weaken Putin ahead of Trump - The Japan Times
- US Weighs New Russia Oil Sanctions to Weaken Putin Ahead of Trump, Bloomberg News Reports - U.S. News & World Report
- US weighs new Russia oil sanctions to weaken Putin ahead of Trump, Bloomberg News reports - Reuters
- US Mulls New Russia Oil Sanctions to Weaken Putin Ahead of Trump - Bloomberg
- Russia’s elite sound the alarm on the economy amid high interest rates - The Washington Post
- PU student felicitated in Putin’s presence - The Tribune India
- John Kirby: Putin must be held to account - Fox News
- Putin sending Russia’s new hypersonic missiles to Belarus - POLITICO Europe
- Russia Ukraine war latest: Zelensky won’t sacrifice young troops to Putin’s forces for more weapons from West - The Independent
- Rajnath meets Putin, affirms India will stand by Russia - The Times of India
- Russian Military To Launch New Operation In Syria? Putin Aide Reveals Putin's New Plan | Watch - The Times of India
- Putin’s 'pravda' unveiled: Russia's growing hostility towards Israel - All Israel News
- Trump Urges Putin to Seize Moment, Make Ukraine Deal - OilPrice.com
- Bashar al-Assad is ‘secured’ in Russia, Putin’s deputy foreign minister confirms - NBC News
- Bashar al-Assad is ‘secured’ in Russia, Putin’s deputy foreign minister confirms - NBC News
- Syria's Assad is in Russia, Putin's deputy foreign minister confirms to NBC News - NBC News
- Syria's Assad is in Russia, Putin's deputy foreign minister confirms to NBC News - NBC News
- Trailer for Deepfake AI ‘Putin' Biopic; Set to Open on 200 Screens on January 10 - Jordan Ruimy
- Pro-Putin Anti-Corruption Boss Urges Russia to Designate Santa Claus a 'Foreign Agent' - LatinTimes
- Defence minister Rajnath Singh meets Putin in Moscow, says India will continue to stand by Russia - The Times of India
- Putin to seek retaliation for Assad’s regime fall in Syria, says Zelenskyy - Euromaidan Press
- Syria Could Be the Beginning of the End of Russia’s Imperial Ambitions - TIME
- India News Live Updates: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Russian President Putin discuss bilateral defence cooperation in Moscow - The Economic Times
- India-Russia friendship higher than highest mountain: Rajnath Singh tells President Putin - The Economic Times
- Ex-UK PM Johnson: Putin is like Hitler, says it’s a “nightmare” - Euromaidan Press
- Belarus has dozens of Russian nuclear weapons and is ready for its newest missile, its leader says - The Associated Press
- What Assad’s Fall Means for Russia in the Middle East - Council on Foreign Relations
- India-Russia friendship higher than highest mountain: Rajnath in meeting with Putin - The Tribune India
- Putin expresses support for requiring DNA samples from all Russian soldiers - Meduza
- Putin Launches Plan To Tackle Russia's Sinking Birth Rate - Newsweek
- Putin’s regime may be closer to a Soviet collapse than we think - The Telegraph
- Why Is Slovakia's Prime Minister Cozying Up to Putin? - The Moscow Times
- Russia's Putin meets Indian defence minister, RIA reports - Reuters
- Rajnath Singh meets Vladimir Putin in Moscow: ‘India has always stood by its Russian friends’ | Today News - Mint
- Putin said that Oreshnik missile minimizes need to use nuclear weapons - Ukrainska Pravda
- Putin Secretly Awards Swapped Spy Couple – Reports - The Moscow Times
- Syrian rebels have dealt a blow to Vladimir Putin’s naval ambitions - The Economist
- Bill Browder on saving Ukraine, NATO, and the threat of Vladimir Putin - the1a.org
- Politico lists Yermak, Putin among Europe's most influential people. - Kyiv Independent
- Memo to the Assads: Putin may welcome you in Moscow, but I wouldn't drink his tea | Marina Hyde - The Guardian
- Memo to the Assads: Putin may welcome you in Moscow, but I wouldn’t drink his tea - The Guardian
- Putin’s Last Argument: What is the Real Purpose of the Oreshnik Strike? - Ukraine Crisis Media Center
- Assad's End Is A Massive Blow To Putin — And It's Not Just About Optics - Worldcrunch
- Zelensky says Ukraine has 'hope' Trump can push Putin toward peace - The Christian Post
- 'Humiliated' Putin Faces String of Geopolitical Defeats - Newsweek
- Assad Chose to Resign From Syrian Presidency, Kremlin Says - The Moscow Times
- Russia insists Ukraine war won't end until Putin's goals are met - as spy chief claims moment is 'close' - Sky News
- How Trump Can Bring Putin to the Table - The Atlantic
- Putin isn’t done yet with the Middle East - The Spectator
- Russia has disciplined 30,000 soldiers for corruption this year as bribery threatens to undermine Putin’s war economy - Fortune
- Kremlin says no scheduled meeting between Putin, Syria’s Assad - Middle East Monitor
- Putin's Closest Ally Says More Than Dozen Nuclear Weapons In Belarus - Newsweek
- Syria live updates: Israel launches hundreds of airstrikes, watchdog says - ABC News
- Nobel Peace Prize Winner Urges Putin to Understand the Destructiveness of Nuclear Weapons - NTD
- ‘A personal defeat for Putin’ - Meduza
- Kremlin says Ukraine war will go on until Putin's goals are met on battlefield or by negotiation - Reuters
- Russia close to achieving goals in Ukraine war, Putin's spy chief says - Reuters
- Putin made decision to grant Assad asylum in Russia, Kremlin says - Reuters
- Russia: Assad’s fall is huge blow for Putin, highlighting fragility of his own rule - CNN
- Syria Surprise — Markets Need to Rethink Putin’s ‘Genius’ - Bloomberg
- End Game: Putin and Assad - Center for European Policy Analysis
- Trump tells Putin it’s ‘time to act’ on cease-fire talks with Zelenskyy - POLITICO Europe
- Donald Trump Sends Message to Putin As Assad Flees Damascus - Newsweek
- Putin's Western Adversaries Are in Disarray - Newsweek
- The stars of Putin’s ‘elite’ management school: soldiers accused of war crimes - Financial Times
- Stoli Vodka Pays Price of Battling Putin - Bloomberg
- Putin Warns West of 'Brink of Global Conflict' - Newsweek
- Russia signs deal offering security guarantees to Belarus - Euronews
- Putin Says Belarus Could Host Oreshnik Missile in 2025 - The Moscow Times
- Martin Rowson on a setback for Putin in Syria – cartoon - The Guardian
- Trump has ‘narrow window’ to get Putin to the negotiating table: fmr. Ukraine president - NBC News
- Putin changes ruble rules to keep Russian gas flowing to EU - POLITICO Europe
- Tough talk on Nato from Putin and his proxies may hide a willingness to compromise - The Conversation Indonesia
- Putin Increasingly Worried About Russian Economy: ISW - Newsweek
- Putin's Ukraine drone barrages are increasingly backfiring on his closest ally - ABC News
- Russia sees 'no grounds for negotiations' with Ukraine, Putin spokesperson says - ABC News
- Vladimir Putin does not want a peace deal. He wants to destroy Ukraine. - Atlantic Council
- Putin's planes took Ukrainian kids into 'coerced' Russian adoption, a Yale report says - NPR
- Putin approves record defense spending — a third of Russia’s budget - CNN
- Nuclear attack unlikely despite Putin's warnings, US intelligence says - Reuters
- Putin says Ukraine war is going global - Reuters
- Putin lowers the threshold for using his nuclear arsenal after Biden's arms decision for Ukraine - The Associated Press
- Russia Faces Turmoil After Prigozhin's Death - Evrim Ağacı
- Russia lost in Syria due to Prigozhin’s murder – Center for Countering Disinformation - Ukrainian News Agency
- Base Development in Mali Indicates Continued Russian Involvement - Center for Strategic & International Studies
- Ukraine Struggles Against Russian 'Meat Grinder' Tactics - LatinTimes
- Ukraine struggles against Russian ‘meat grinder’ tactics - FOX 28 Spokane
- Ukraine struggles against Russian 'meat grinder' tactics - Yahoo Singapore News
- Assad’s downfall is a humiliating blow to Russia. How will it affect Putin's prestige? - WJXT News4JAX
- Why Prigozhin's rebellion failed to turn into Syria for Russia - Espreso. Global
- Why Prigozhin's march failed to turn into Syria for Russia - Espreso. Global
- Prigozhin says Wagner is not recruiting new members - Telegrafi
- Russia’s Wagner group has rebranded – and is tightening its grip on Africa - MSN
- Russia’s Wagner group has rebranded - and is tightening its grip on Africa - inews
- Russia’s Wagner group has rebranded - and is tightening its grip on Africa - inews
- Central Africa Republic Unveils Statue of Russia’s Wagner founder Prigozhin - Modern Diplomacy
- Central Africa Republic Unveils Statue of Russia’s Wagner founder Prigozhin - Modern Diplomacy
- Central African Republic Offers Wagner Prigozhin New Home – OpEd - Eurasia Review
- Late Russian mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin honored in Central Africa - MSN
- Late Russian mercenary leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin honored in Central Africa - Business Insider Africa
- Statue of Russia's Wagner founder unveiled in Central African Republic - Euronews
- "Wagner" fighters continue to fight abroad VIDEO - Факти
- Putin adds infamous propagandist to Russia’s Presidential Human Rights Council - Meduza
- Hard Numbers: Murder in Manhattan, Prigozhin gets a statue, EU cracks down on Temu and Shein, Mexico hikes minimum wage - GZERO Media
- Hard Numbers: Murder in Manhattan, Prigozhin gets a statue, EU cracks down on Temu and Shein, Mexico hikes minimum wage - GZERO Media
- CAR Erects Statue Of Late Wagner Chief, Prigozhin - The Heritage Times
- CAR Erects Statue Of Late Wagner Chief, Prigozhin - The Heritage Times
- Central African Republic unveils statue in honour of Russia's Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin - BBC.com
- Statue of Russia's Wagner founder Prigozhin unveiled in Central Africa - Yahoo News Canada
- Statue of Russia's Wagner founder Prigozhin unveiled in Central Africa - Yahoo News
- Central African Republic unveils statue in honour of Russia's Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin - BBC.com
- Monument to late Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin unveiled in Central African Republic - Новая газета. Европа
- Central African Republic: Monument to Yevgeny Prigozhin inaugurated in Bangui - Agenzia Nova
- Late Wagner leader Prigozhin gets monument in C. African republic - Al Arabiya English
- Russia’s Growing Influence Abroad: Monument to Prigozhin Inaugurated in Central African Republic - Kyiv Post
- Despite leader’s death, Russian Wagner mercenaries still fight abroad - VOA Africa
- Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Legal Machine - New America
- Despite leader’s death, Russian Wagner mercenaries still fight abroad - VOA Asia
- Grupi Wagner mund ‘të pushojë së ekzistuari’, thotë themeluesi i tij Yvgeny Prigozhin - Telegrafi
- Over a year after Wagner Group leader’s death, Russian mercenaries aren’t going away - VOA Asia
- Over a year after Wagner Group leader’s death, Russian mercenaries aren’t going away - VOA Asia
- Why Russia’s Africa propaganda warrior was sent home - Myjoyonline
- From VOA Russian: Wagner Group's future a year after Prigozhin's death - VOA Asia
- Russian stuff blowing up: Russia's ruble plummets faster than Prigozhin's plane - Daily Kos
- Russia’s End State: Assessing Prigozhin’s Legacy - George C. Marshall European Center For Security Studies
- How the death of Wagner boss Prigozhin might just show Putin’s weakness - FTM.eu
- The rise of Yevgeny Prigozhin - La Trobe University
- Prigozhin’s Ghost Lives On in China - Foreign Policy
- Prigozhin: If Wagner withdraws from Bakhmuti, the entire Russian front line will fall - Telegrafi
- How Wagner survived Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death - The Economist
- After Prigozhin, the Wagner Group’s Enduring Impact - War On The Rocks
- Yevgeny Prigozhin secretly used JPMorgan and HSBC for Wagner payments - Financial Times
- Russia: Prigozhin used JP Morgan and HSBC to pay for Chinese supplies to Wagner Group in Africa - Agenzia Nova
- EU Lifts Sanctions On Mother Of Late Wagner Leader Prigozhin - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
- One year after Prigozhin’s death, the Kremlin is humiliated once more - POLITICO Europe
- Memorial held in Russia a year after Yevgeny Prigozhin's death - Euronews
- Russians hail Wagner chief Prigozhin as patriot on anniversary of his death - Reuters
- Wagner Group greatly reduced 1 year after Prigozhin's death, UK Defense Ministry reports - Kyiv Independent
- Putin builds on Prigozhin's foundations in Africa - Le Monde
- Russia: one year after Yevgeny Prigozhin's death, the shadow of the Wagner propaganda system still looms large - Reporters sans frontières
- Yevgeny Prigozhin - OCCRP
- The shadow of Yevgeny Prigozhin still looms over the Wagner cemetery in Krasnodar - EL PAÍS USA
- A year ago, Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin challenged the Kremlin with a mutiny - The Associated Press
- A year ago, Wagner chief Prigozhin's mutiny briefly threatened Putin - Euronews
- Yevgeny Prigozhin, the thug lord who could topple Putin from the grave - The Times
- Russian Mercenary Prigozhin’s Statue Unveiled at His Grave - The Moscow Times
- Bronze statue honoring mutineer Yevgeny Prigozhin appears at St. Petersburg cemetery - Meduza
- PISM - Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
- Rosenberg: Russian President Putin's military purge echoes Prigozhin's call to act - BBC.com
- Wagner Group Post-Prigozhin: New Name, Business as Usual - Geopoliticalmonitor.com
- Its leader is dead, but Wagner Group is thriving in Africa - The Australian Financial Review
- Fact Check: Does Viral Photo Show Putin's Rival Prigozhin Alive on Train? - Newsweek
- After Prigozhin, Russia clamps down online - Atlantic Council
- What led to one of the most significant — but least surprising — deaths in Russia's war with Ukraine in 2023 - Business Insider
- Prigozhin Killing Ordered by Putin’s Security Council Chief – WSJ - The Moscow Times
- Russia dismisses Wall Street Journal's 'pulp fiction' after Prigozhin death report - Reuters
- How Putin’s Right-Hand Man Took Out Prigozhin - The Wall Street Journal
- Putin's oldest ally was the mastermind behind the assassination of Wagner warlord Prigozhin, report says - Business Insider
- Post-Prigozhin Russia in Africa: Regaining or Losing Control? - Center for Strategic & International Studies
- After Prigozhin’s Death, a High-Stakes Scramble for His Empire (Published 2023) - The New York Times
- Prigozhin’s Death: The Details Don’t Matter – It’s What You Do With It - RUSI
- Prigozhin’s Death and the Future of Putin’s Rule - Foreign Policy Research Institute
- Russia's Prigozhin buried quietly in hometown of St Petersburg - Reuters
- What the death of rival Prigozhin means for Putin and the war on Ukraine - University of Colorado Boulder
- Russia says it confirmed Wagner leader Prigozhin died in a plane crash - The Associated Press
- Prigozhin's final months were overshadowed by questions about what the Kremlin had in store for him - The Associated Press
- Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin challenged the Kremlin in a brief mutiny - The Associated Press
- Why Yevgeny Prigozhin Had to Die - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- What happens to the Wagner Group after Yevgeny Prigozhin plane crash? - Reuters
- What does Yevgeny Prigozhin’s presumed death mean for Vladimir Putin? - Reuters
- Who Killed Yevgeny Prigozhin? - Council on Foreign Relations
- What is the Wagner Group, and who is Yevgeny Prigozhin? What to know about the Russian private military company - CBS News
- Putin says Prigozhin was ‘talented man’ who ‘made serious mistakes’ in first comments since plane crash - CNN
- Where was Prigozhin before the crash? - BBC.com
- Putin’s Deadly Revenge on Prigozhin - The New Yorker
- From Putin’s ‘personal chef’ to rebel: Who was Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin? - CNN
- Opinion | Prigozhin can’t escape justice for Wagner’s war crimes - The Washington Post
- Could Yevgeny Prigozhin really have captured Moscow? - The Guardian
- Prigozhin has moved to Belarus, and Russia won’t press charges for mutiny - The Associated Press
- Russian mercenary group revolt against Moscow fizzles but exposes vulnerabilities - The Associated Press
- Man vs. Myth: Is Russia’s Prigozhin a Threat or Asset to Putin? - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Yevgeny Prigozhin: the hotdog seller who rose to the top of Putin’s war machine - The Guardian
Grupo Wagner
- Russia Lost More Than 500 Military Personnel in Syria, Many from Elite Units - Kyiv Post
- The Wagner-style mercenaries plotting unrest in Romania - Financial Times
- Russian losses in Syria — BBC identifies 543 soldiers, Wagner mercenaries who died since 2015 - Kyiv Independent
- Journalists have determined how many Russian soldiers have died in Syria over nine years - 112.ua
- Prosecuting Putin’s Proxies: How Prosecutions Are Reshaping the Fight Against Russian Irregular Forces - smallwarsjournal
- Central African Republic : Wagner in show of force to counter France-CAR rapprochement - Africa Intelligence
- Planned attacks in Romanian capital by pro-Kremlin mercenary group thwarted: Report - Anadolu Agency
- More than 30 Wagner Group soldiers have been killed in Ukraine, according to the White House - Telegrafi
- Shadow Wars: Wagner Group’s Exploitation of Chinese Satellite Intelligence - Regtechtimes
- The Wagner Group’s Use of Chinese Space Intelligence – Irregular Warfare Initiative - smallwarsjournal
- Cameroon Truckers Accusing Wagner Of Murder Partly Lift Strike - Barron's
- Emirates NBA Cup MVP Ladder: Franz Wagner wills Magic to Knockout Rounds - NBA.com
- Mali Receives Turkish Akinci Drones to Fight Armed Groups - The Defense Post
- Russia's Wagner founder honoured with statue in Central African Republic - Yahoo News UK
- Statue of Russia's Wagner founder Prigozhin unveiled in Central Africa - Yahoo! Voices
- Central African Republic unveils statue in honour of Russia's Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin - BBC
- Russia to send mercenaries to Syria to reinforce its troops, Ukrainian intelligence claims - Kyiv Independent
- 7 African countries where Russian mercenaries, Wagner group have operated - MSN
- 7 African countries where Russian mercenaries, Wagner group have operated - Business Insider Africa
- JNIM Ambushes Wagner/FAMA Convoy Along Sévaré-Bandiagara Road - Atlas News
- Central African Republic - Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
- War with Ukraine weakens Russia's position in Africa - Atalayar EN
- Syrian rebels strike Aleppo as tensions resurface - MSN
- China’s Wagner? Beijing Establishes Private Security Company in Myanmar - Geopoliticalmonitor.com
- Truckers strike accusing Wagner of driver death in Central African Republic - eNCA
- 'The West should treat the ROC like the Wagner Group or RT,' - Samuel Ramani - Релігійно-інформаційна служба України
- Maxim Shugalei: Why Russia's Africa propaganda warrior was sent home from Chad - BBC.com
- Why Russia's Africa propaganda warrior was sent home - The Star Kenya
- Truckers Strike Accusing Wagner Of Driver Death In Central African Republic - Inkl
- Truckers strike accusing Wagner of driver death in Central African Republic - RFI English
- Truckers strike accusing Wagner of driver death in Central African Republic - Mountain Democrat
- Truckers strike accusing Wagner of driver death in Central African Republic - The Daily Record
- Maxim Shugalei: Why Russia's Africa propaganda warrior was sent home from Chad - BBC.com
- Truckers strike accusing Wagner of driver death in Central African Republic - Modern Ghana
- JNIM strikes: Russian mercenaries targeted in Mali ambush - MSN
- Putin Signs Law Forgiving Soldier Debts as Russia Resurrects Wagner Legion - Novinite.com
- Russian Wagner Group mercenaries killed in attack by al-Qaeda-linked group in Mali - Meduza
- ISW: Wagner is again recruiting fighters for the front in Ukraine ᐉ News from Fakti.bg - World - Факти
- GSIM Claims Series Of Attacks On Armed Forces In Mali - Middle East Media Research Institute
- Russian mercenaries have a bad reputation but some African regimes still employ them: study explores why - Modern Ghana
- Russian Wagner Group mercenaries killed in attack by al-Qaeda-linked group in Mali - Meduza